Source code for lago.virt

# Copyright 2014-2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
from copy import deepcopy
import functools
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import uuid

import yaml

from lago import log_utils, plugins, utils
from lago.config import config
from lago.providers.libvirt import utils as libvirt_utils
from import BridgeNetwork, NATNetwork

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LogTask = functools.partial(log_utils.LogTask, logger=LOGGER)
log_task = functools.partial(log_utils.log_task, logger=LOGGER)

[docs]def _gen_ssh_command_id(): return uuid.uuid1().hex[:8]
[docs]def _guestfs_copy_path(g, guest_path, host_path): if g.is_file(guest_path): with open(host_path, 'w') as f: f.write(g.read_file(guest_path)) elif g.is_dir(guest_path): os.mkdir(host_path) for path in _guestfs_copy_path( g, os.path.join( guest_path, path, ), os.path.join(host_path, os.path.basename(path)), )
[docs]def _path_to_xml(basename): return os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), basename, )
[docs]class VirtEnv(object): '''Env properties: * prefix * vms * net * libvirt_con ''' def __init__(self, prefix, vm_specs, net_specs): self.vm_types = plugins.load_plugins( plugins.PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINTS['vm'], instantiate=False, ) self.prefix = prefix with open(self.prefix.paths.uuid(), 'r') as uuid_fd: self.uuid = libvirt_url = config.get('libvirt_url') self.libvirt_con = libvirt_utils.get_libvirt_connection( name=self.uuid + libvirt_url, libvirt_url=libvirt_url, ) self._nets = {} for name, spec in net_specs.items(): self._nets[name] = self._create_net(spec) self._vms = {} for name, spec in vm_specs.items(): self._vms[name] = self._create_vm(spec)
[docs] def _create_net(self, net_spec): if net_spec['type'] == 'nat': cls = NATNetwork elif net_spec['type'] == 'bridge': cls = BridgeNetwork return cls(self, net_spec, compat=self.get_compat())
[docs] def _create_vm(self, vm_spec): default_vm_type = config.get('default_vm_type') vm_type_name = vm_spec.get('vm-type', default_vm_type) try: vm_type = self.vm_types[vm_type_name] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( 'Unknown VM type: {0}, available types: {1}'. format(vm_type_name, ','.join(self.vm_types.keys())) ) vm_spec['vm-type'] = vm_type_name return vm_type(self, vm_spec)
[docs] def prefixed_name(self, unprefixed_name, max_length=0): """ Returns a uuid pefixed identifier Args: unprefixed_name(str): Name to add a prefix to max_length(int): maximum length of the resultant prefixed name, will adapt the given name and the length of the uuid ot fit it Returns: str: prefixed identifier for the given unprefixed name """ if max_length == 0: prefixed_name = '%s-%s' % (self.uuid[:8], unprefixed_name) else: if max_length < 6: raise RuntimeError( "Can't prefix with less than 6 chars (%s)" % unprefixed_name ) if max_length < 16: _uuid = self.uuid[:4] else: _uuid = self.uuid[:8] name_max_length = max_length - len(_uuid) - 1 if name_max_length < len(unprefixed_name): hashed_name = hashlib.sha1(unprefixed_name).hexdigest() unprefixed_name = hashed_name[:name_max_length] prefixed_name = '%s-%s' % (_uuid, unprefixed_name) return prefixed_name
[docs] def virt_path(self, *args): return self.prefix.paths.virt(*args)
[docs] def bootstrap(self): vms = filter( lambda vm: vm.spec.get('bootstrap', True), self._vms.values() ) if vms: utils.invoke_in_parallel(lambda vm: vm.bootstrap(), vms)
[docs] def export_vms( self, vms_names, standalone, dst_dir, compress, init_file_name, out_format, collect_only=False, with_threads=True ): # todo: move this logic to PrefixExportManager if not vms_names: vms_names = self._vms.keys() running_vms = [] vms = [] for name in vms_names: try: vm = self._vms[name] if not vm.spec.get('skip-export'): vms.append(vm) if vm.defined(): running_vms.append(vm) except KeyError: raise utils.LagoUserException( 'Entity {} does not exist'.format(name) ) if running_vms: raise utils.LagoUserException( 'The following vms must be off:\n{}'. format('\n'.join([ for _vm in running_vms])) ) with LogTask('Exporting disks to: {}'.format(dst_dir)): if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir): os.mkdir(dst_dir) def _export_disks(vm): return vm.export_disks( standalone, dst_dir, compress, collect_only, with_threads ) if collect_only: return ( reduce( lambda x, y: x.update(y) or x, map(_export_disks, vms) ) ) else: if with_threads: results = utils.invoke_in_parallel(_export_disks, vms) else: results = map(_export_disks, vms) results = reduce(lambda x, y: x.update(y) or x, results) self.generate_init( os.path.join(dst_dir, init_file_name), out_format, vms ) results['init-file'] = os.path.join(dst_dir, init_file_name) return results
[docs] def generate_init(self, dst, out_format, vms_to_include, filters=None): """ Generate an init file which represents this env and can be used with the images created by self.export_vms Args: dst (str): path and name of the new init file out_format (plugins.output.OutFormatPlugin): formatter for the output (the default is yaml) filters (list): list of paths to keys that should be removed from the init file vms_to_include (list of :class:lago.plugins.vm.VMPlugin): list of vms to include in the init file Returns: None """ # todo: move this logic to PrefixExportManager with LogTask('Exporting init file to: {}'.format(dst)): # Set the default formatter to yaml. The default formatter # doesn't generate a valid init file, so it's not reasonable # to use it if isinstance(out_format, plugins.output.DefaultOutFormatPlugin): out_format = plugins.output.YAMLOutFormatPlugin() if not filters: filters = [ 'domains/*/disks/*/metadata', 'domains/*/metadata/deploy-scripts', 'domains/*/snapshots', 'domains/*/name', 'nets/*/mapping', 'nets/*/dns_records' ] spec = self.get_env_spec(filters) temp = {} for vm in vms_to_include: temp[] = spec['domains'][] spec['domains'] = temp for _, domain in spec['domains'].viewitems(): domain['disks'] = [ d for d in domain['disks'] if not d.get('skip-export') ] for disk in domain['disks']: if disk['type'] == 'template': disk['template_type'] = 'qcow2' elif disk['type'] == 'empty': disk['type'] = 'file' disk['make_a_copy'] = 'True' # Insert the relative path to the exported images disk['path'] = os.path.join( '$LAGO_INITFILE_PATH', os.path.basename(disk['path']) ) with open(dst, 'wt') as f: if isinstance(out_format, plugins.output.YAMLOutFormatPlugin): # Dump the yaml file without type tags # TODO: Allow passing parameters to output plugins f.write(yaml.safe_dump(spec)) else: f.write(out_format.format(spec))
[docs] def get_env_spec(self, filters=None): """ Get the spec of the current env. The spec will hold the info about all the domains and networks associated with this env. Args: filters (list): list of paths to keys that should be removed from the init file Returns: dict: the spec of the current env """ spec = { 'domains': { vm_name: deepcopy(vm_object.spec) for vm_name, vm_object in self._vms.viewitems() }, 'nets': { net_name: deepcopy(net_object.spec) for net_name, net_object in self._nets.viewitems() } } if filters: utils.filter_spec(spec, filters) return spec
[docs] def start(self, vm_names=None): if not vm_names: log_msg = 'Start Prefix' vms = self._vms.values() nets = self._nets.values() else: log_msg = 'Start specified VMs' vms = [self._vms[vm_name] for vm_name in vm_names] nets = set() for vm in vms: nets = nets.union( set(self._nets[net_name] for net_name in vm.nets()) ) with LogTask(log_msg), utils.RollbackContext() as rollback: with LogTask('Start nets'): for net in nets: net.start() rollback.prependDefer(net.stop) with LogTask('Start vms'): for vm in vms: vm.start() rollback.prependDefer(vm.stop) rollback.clear()
[docs] def _get_stop_shutdown_common_args(self, vm_names): """ Get the common arguments for stop and shutdown commands Args: vm_names (list of str): The names of the requested vms Returns list of plugins.vm.VMProviderPlugin: vms objects that should be stopped list of virt.Network: net objects that should be stopped str: log message Raises: utils.LagoUserException: If a vm name doesn't exist """ vms_to_stop = self.get_vms(vm_names).values() if not vm_names: log_msg = '{} prefix' nets = self._nets.values() else: log_msg = '{} specified VMs' nets = self._get_unused_nets(vms_to_stop) return vms_to_stop, nets, log_msg
[docs] def _get_unused_nets(self, vms_to_stop): """ Return a list of nets that used only by the vms in vms_to_stop Args: vms_to_stop (list of str): The names of the requested vms Returns list of virt.Network: net objects that used only by vms in vms_to_stop Raises: utils.LagoUserException: If a vm name doesn't exist """ vm_names = [ for vm in vms_to_stop] unused_nets = set() for vm in vms_to_stop: unused_nets = unused_nets.union(vm.nets()) for vm in self._vms.values(): if not vm.defined() or in vm_names: continue for net in vm.nets(): unused_nets.discard(net) nets = [self._nets[net] for net in unused_nets] return nets
[docs] def stop(self, vm_names=None): vms, nets, log_msg = self._get_stop_shutdown_common_args(vm_names) with LogTask(log_msg.format('Stop')): with LogTask('Stop vms'): for vm in vms: vm.stop() with LogTask('Stop nets'): for net in nets: net.stop()
[docs] def shutdown(self, vm_names, reboot=False): vms, nets, log_msg = self._get_stop_shutdown_common_args(vm_names) if reboot: with LogTask(log_msg.format('Reboot')): with LogTask('Reboot vms'): for vm in vms: vm.reboot() else: with LogTask(log_msg.format('Shutdown')): with LogTask('Shutdown vms'): for vm in vms: vm.shutdown() with LogTask('Stop nets'): for net in nets: net.stop()
[docs] def get_nets(self): return self._nets.copy()
[docs] def get_net(self, name=None): if name: return self.get_nets().get(name) else: try: return [ net for net in self.get_nets().values() if net.is_management() ].pop() except IndexError: return self.get_nets().values().pop()
[docs] def get_vms(self, vm_names=None): """ Returns the vm objects associated with vm_names if vm_names is None, return all the vms in the prefix Args: vm_names (list of str): The names of the requested vms Returns dict: Which contains the requested vm objects indexed by name Raises: utils.LagoUserException: If a vm name doesn't exist """ if not vm_names: return self._vms.copy() missing_vms = [] vms = {} for name in vm_names: try: vms[name] = self._vms[name] except KeyError: # TODO: add resolver by suffix missing_vms.append(name) if missing_vms: raise utils.LagoUserException( 'The following vms do not exist: \n{}'. format('\n'.join(missing_vms)) ) return vms
[docs] def get_vm(self, name): return self._vms[name]
[docs] def from_prefix(cls, prefix): virt_path = functools.partial(prefix.paths.prefixed, 'virt') with open(virt_path('env'), 'r') as f: env_dom = json.load(f) net_specs = {} for name in env_dom['nets']: with open(virt_path('net-%s' % name), 'r') as f: net_specs[name] = json.load(f) vm_specs = {} for name in env_dom['vms']: with open(virt_path('vm-%s' % name), 'r') as f: vm_specs[name] = json.load(f) return cls(prefix, vm_specs, net_specs)
@log_task('Save prefix')
[docs] def save(self): with LogTask('Save nets'): for net in self._nets.values(): with LogTask('Save VMs'): for vm in self._vms.values(): spec = { 'nets': self._nets.keys(), 'vms': self._vms.keys(), } with LogTask('Save env'): with open(self.virt_path('env'), 'w') as f: utils.json_dump(spec, f)
@log_task('Create VMs snapshots')
[docs] def create_snapshots(self, name): utils.invoke_in_parallel( lambda vm: vm.create_snapshot(name), self._vms.values(), )
@log_task('Revert VMs snapshots')
[docs] def revert_snapshots(self, name): utils.invoke_in_parallel( lambda vm: vm.revert_snapshot(name), self._vms.values(), )
[docs] def get_snapshots(self, domains=None): """ Get the list of snapshots for each domain Args: domanins(list of str): list of the domains to get the snapshots for, all will be returned if none or empty list passed Returns: dict of str -> list(str): with the domain names and the list of snapshots for each """ snapshots = {} for vm_name, vm in self.get_vms().items(): if domains and vm_name not in domains: continue snapshots[vm_name] = vm._spec['snapshots'] return snapshots
[docs] def get_compat(self): """Get compatibility level for this environment - which is the Lago version used to create this environment """ # Prior to version 0.37.0, the version which the environment was # initialized in was not saved, so we default to 0.36. return self.prefix.metadata.get('lago_version', '0.36.0')