Source code for lago.virt

# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import pwd
import socket
import time
import uuid

import guestfs
import libvirt
import lxml.etree
import paramiko
from scp import SCPClient

import config
import brctl
import utils
import sysprep
from . import log_utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LogTask = functools.partial(log_utils.LogTask, logger=LOGGER)
log_task = functools.partial(log_utils.log_task, logger=LOGGER)

#: Url to the libvirt daemon
LIBVIRT_URL = 'qemu:///system'

[docs]def _gen_ssh_command_id(): return uuid.uuid1().hex[:8]
[docs]def _ip_to_mac(ip):
# Mac addrs of domains are 54:52:xx:xx:xx:xx where the last 4 octets are # the hex repr of the IP address) mac_addr_pieces = [0x54, 0x52] + [int(y) for y in ip.split('.')] return ':'.join([('%02x' % x) for x in mac_addr_pieces])
[docs]def _guestfs_copy_path(g, guest_path, host_path): if g.is_file(guest_path): with open(host_path, 'w') as f: f.write(g.read_file(guest_path)) elif g.is_dir(guest_path): os.mkdir(host_path) for path in _guestfs_copy_path( g, os.path.join( guest_path, path, ), os.path.join( host_path, os.path.basename(path) ), )
[docs]def _path_to_xml(basename): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), basename, )
[docs]class VirtEnv(object): '''Env properties: * prefix * vms * net * libvirt_con ''' def __init__(self, prefix, vm_specs, net_specs): self.prefix = prefix with open(self.prefix.paths.uuid(), 'r') as f: self._uuid = self._nets = {} for name, spec in net_specs.items(): self._nets[name] = self._create_net(spec) self._vms = {} for name, spec in vm_specs.items(): self._vms[name] = self._create_vm(spec) self._libvirt_con = None
[docs] def _create_net(self, net_spec): if net_spec['type'] == 'nat': cls = NATNetwork elif net_spec['type'] == 'bridge': cls = BridgeNetwork return cls(self, net_spec)
[docs] def _create_vm(self, vm_spec): return VM(self, vm_spec)
[docs] def prefixed_name(self, unprefixed_name, max_length=0): """ Returns a uuid pefixed identifier Args: unprefixed_name(str): Name to add a prefix to max_length(int): maximum length of the resultant prefixed name, will adapt the given name and the length of the uuid ot fit it Returns: str: prefixed identifier for the given unprefixed name """ if max_length == 0: prefixed_name = '%s-%s' % (self._uuid[:8], unprefixed_name) else: if max_length < 6: raise RuntimeError( "Can't prefix with less than 6 chars (%s)" % unprefixed_name ) if max_length < 16: _uuid = self._uuid[:4] else: _uuid = self._uuid[:8] name_max_length = max_length - len(_uuid) - 1 if name_max_length < len(unprefixed_name): hashed_name = hashlib.sha1(unprefixed_name).hexdigest() unprefixed_name = hashed_name[:name_max_length] prefixed_name = '%s-%s' % (_uuid, unprefixed_name) return prefixed_name
[docs] def virt_path(self, *args): return self.prefix.paths.virt(*args)
[docs] def bootstrap(self): utils.invoke_in_parallel(lambda vm: vm.bootstrap(), self._vms.values())
@property def libvirt_con(self): if self._libvirt_con is None: self._libvirt_con = return self._libvirt_con
[docs] def start(self, vm_names=None): if not vm_names: log_msg = 'Start Prefix' vms = self._vms.values() nets = self._nets.values() else: log_msg = 'Start specified VMs' vms = [self._vms[vm_name] for vm_name in vm_names] nets = set() for vm in vms: nets = nets.union( set( self._nets[net_name] for net_name in vm.nets() ) ) with LogTask(log_msg), utils.RollbackContext() as rollback: with LogTask('Start nets'): for net in nets: net.start() rollback.prependDefer(net.stop) with LogTask('Start vms'): for vm in vms: vm.start() rollback.prependDefer(vm.stop) rollback.clear()
[docs] def stop(self, vm_names=None): if not vm_names: log_msg = 'Stop prefix' vms = self._vms.values() nets = self._nets.values() else: log_msg = 'Stop specified VMs' vms = [self._vms[vm_name] for vm_name in vm_names] stoppable_nets = set() for vm in vms: stoppable_nets = stoppable_nets.union(vm.nets()) for vm in self._vms.values(): if not vm.alive() or in vm_names: continue for net in vm.nets(): stoppable_nets.discard(net) nets = [self._nets[net] for net in stoppable_nets] with LogTask(log_msg): with LogTask('Stop vms'): for vm in vms: vm.stop() with LogTask('Stop nets'): for net in nets: net.stop()
[docs] def get_nets(self): return self._nets.copy()
[docs] def get_net(self, name=None): if name: return self.get_nets().get(name) else: try: return [ net for net in self.get_nets().values() if net.is_management() ].pop() except IndexError: return self.get_nets().values().pop()
[docs] def get_vms(self): return self._vms.copy()
[docs] def get_vm(self, name): return self._vms[name]
[docs] def from_prefix(cls, prefix): def virt_path(name): return os.path.join(prefix.paths.prefix, 'virt', name) with open(virt_path('env'), 'r') as f: env_dom = json.load(f) net_specs = {} for name in env_dom['nets']: with open(virt_path('net-%s' % name), 'r') as f: net_specs[name] = json.load(f) vm_specs = {} for name in env_dom['vms']: with open(virt_path('vm-%s' % name), 'r') as f: vm_specs[name] = json.load(f) return cls(prefix, vm_specs, net_specs)
@log_task('Save prefix')
[docs] def save(self): with LogTask('Save nets'): for net in self._nets.values(): with LogTask('Save VMs'): for vm in self._vms.values(): spec = {'nets': self._nets.keys(), 'vms': self._vms.keys(), } with LogTask('Save env'): with open(self.virt_path('env'), 'w') as f: utils.json_dump(spec, f)
@log_task('Create VMs snapshots')
[docs] def create_snapshots(self, name): utils.invoke_in_parallel( lambda vm: vm.create_snapshot(name), self._vms.values(), )
@log_task('Revert VMs snapshots')
[docs] def revert_snapshots(self, name): utils.invoke_in_parallel( lambda vm: vm.revert_snapshot(name), self._vms.values(), )
[docs] def get_snapshots(self, domains=None): """ Get the list of snapshots for each domain Args: domanins(list of str): list of the domains to get the snapshots for, all will be returned if none or empty list passed Returns: dict of str -> list(str): with the domain names and the list of snapshots for each """ snapshots = {} for vm_name, vm in self.get_vms().items(): if domains and vm_name not in domains: continue snapshots[vm_name] = vm._spec['snapshots'] return snapshots
[docs]class Network(object): def __init__(self, env, spec): self._env = env self._spec = spec
[docs] def name(self): return self._spec['name']
[docs] def gw(self): return self._spec.get('gw')
[docs] def is_management(self): return self._spec.get('management', False)
[docs] def add_mappings(self, mappings): for name, ip, mac in mappings: self.add_mapping(name, ip, save=False)
[docs] def add_mapping(self, name, ip, save=True): self._spec['mapping'][name] = ip if save:
[docs] def resolve(self, name): return self._spec['mapping'][name]
[docs] def _libvirt_name(self): return self._env.prefixed_name(, max_length=15)
[docs] def alive(self): net_names = [ for net in self._env.libvirt_con.listAllNetworks() ] return self._libvirt_name() in net_names
[docs] def start(self): if not self.alive(): with LogTask('Create network %s' % self._env.libvirt_con.networkCreateXML(self._libvirt_xml())
[docs] def stop(self): if self.alive(): with LogTask('Destroy network %s' % self._env.libvirt_con.networkLookupByName( self._libvirt_name(), ).destroy()
[docs] def save(self): with open(self._env.virt_path('net-%s' %, 'w') as f: utils.json_dump(self._spec, f)
[docs]class NATNetwork(Network):
[docs] def _libvirt_xml(self): with open(_path_to_xml('net_nat_template.xml')) as f: net_raw_xml = replacements = { '@NAME@': self._libvirt_name(), '@BR_NAME@': ('%s-nic' % self._libvirt_name())[:12], '@GW_ADDR@':, } for k, v in replacements.items(): net_raw_xml = net_raw_xml.replace(k, v, 1) net_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(net_raw_xml) if 'dhcp' in self._spec: ip = net_xml.xpath('/network/ip')[0] def make_ip(last): return '.'.join('.')[:-1] + [str(last)]) dhcp = lxml.etree.Element('dhcp') ip.append(dhcp) dhcp.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'range', start=make_ip(self._spec['dhcp']['start']), end=make_ip(self._spec['dhcp']['end']), ) ) if self.is_management(): for hostname, ip in self._spec['mapping'].items(): dhcp.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'host', mac=_ip_to_mac(ip), ip=ip, name=hostname ) ) return lxml.etree.tostring(net_xml)
[docs]class BridgeNetwork(Network):
[docs] def _libvirt_xml(self): with open(_path_to_xml('net_br_template.xml')) as f: net_raw_xml = replacements = { '@NAME@': self._libvirt_name(), '@BR_NAME@': self._libvirt_name(), } for k, v in replacements.items(): net_raw_xml = net_raw_xml.replace(k, v, 1) return net_raw_xml
[docs] def start(self): if brctl.exists(self._libvirt_name()): return brctl.create(self._libvirt_name()) try: super(BridgeNetwork, self).start() except: brctl.destroy(self._libvirt_name())
[docs] def stop(self): super(BridgeNetwork, self).stop() if brctl.exists(self._libvirt_name()): brctl.destroy(self._libvirt_name())
[docs]class ServiceState: MISSING = 0 INACTIVE = 1 ACTIVE = 2
[docs]class _Service: def __init__(self, vm, name): self._vm = vm self._name = name
[docs] def exists(self): return self.state() != ServiceState.MISSING
[docs] def alive(self): return self.state() == ServiceState.ACTIVE
[docs] def start(self): state = self.state() if state == ServiceState.MISSING: raise RuntimeError('Service %s not present' % self._name) elif state == ServiceState.ACTIVE: return if self._request_start(): raise RuntimeError('Failed to start service')
[docs] def stop(self): state = self.state() if state == ServiceState.MISSING: raise RuntimeError('Service %s not present' % self._name) elif state == ServiceState.INACTIVE: return if self._request_stop(): raise RuntimeError('Failed to stop service')
[docs] def is_supported(cls, vm): return vm.ssh(['test', '-e', cls.BIN_PATH]).code == 0
[docs]class _SystemdService(_Service): BIN_PATH = '/usr/bin/systemctl'
[docs] def _request_start(self): return self._vm.ssh([self.BIN_PATH, 'start', self._name])
[docs] def _request_stop(self): return self._vm.ssh([self.BIN_PATH, 'stop', self._name])
[docs] def state(self): ret = self._vm.ssh([self.BIN_PATH, 'status --lines=0', self._name]) if not ret: return ServiceState.ACTIVE lines = [l.strip() for l in ret.out.split('\n')] loaded = [l for l in lines if l.startswith('Loaded:')].pop() if loaded.split()[1] == 'loaded': return ServiceState.INACTIVE return ServiceState.MISSING
[docs]class _SysVInitService(_Service): BIN_PATH = '/sbin/service'
[docs] def _request_start(self): return self._vm.ssh([self.BIN_PATH, self._name, 'start'])
[docs] def _request_stop(self): return self._vm.ssh([self.BIN_PATH, self._name, 'stop'])
[docs] def state(self): ret = self._vm.ssh([self.BIN_PATH, self._name, 'status']) if ret.code == 0: return ServiceState.ACTIVE if ret.out.strip().endswith('is stopped'): return ServiceState.INACTIVE return ServiceState.MISSING
[docs]class _SystemdContainerService(_Service): BIN_PATH = '/usr/bin/docker' HOST_BIN_PATH = '/usr/bin/systemctl'
[docs] def _request_start(self): ret = self._vm.ssh( [self.BIN_PATH, 'exec vdsmc systemctl start', self._name] ) if ret.code == 0: return ret return self._vm.ssh([self.HOST_BIN_PATH, 'start', self._name])
[docs] def _request_stop(self): ret = self._vm.ssh( [self.BIN_PATH, 'exec vdsmc systemctl stop', self._name] ) if ret.code == 0: return ret return self._vm.ssh([self.HOST_BIN_PATH, 'stop', self._name])
[docs] def state(self): ret = self._vm.ssh( [ self.BIN_PATH, 'exec vdsmc systemctl status --lines=0', self._name ] ) if ret.code == 0: return ServiceState.ACTIVE lines = [l.strip() for l in ret.out.split('\n')] loaded = [l for l in lines if l.startswith('Loaded:')].pop() if loaded.split()[1] == 'loaded': return ServiceState.INACTIVE ret = self._vm.ssh([self.HOST_BIN_PATH, 'status', self._name]) if ret.code == 0: return ServiceState.ACTIVE lines = [l.strip() for l in ret.out.split('\n')] loaded = [l for l in lines if l.startswith('Loaded:')].pop() if loaded.split()[1] == 'loaded': return ServiceState.INACTIVE return ServiceState.MISSING
_SERVICE_WRAPPERS = collections.OrderedDict() _SERVICE_WRAPPERS['systemd_container'] = _SystemdContainerService _SERVICE_WRAPPERS['systemd'] = _SystemdService _SERVICE_WRAPPERS['sysvinit'] = _SysVInitService
[docs]class VM(object): '''VM properties: * name * cpus * memory * disks * metadata * network/mac addr ''' def __init__(self, env, spec): self._env = env self._spec = self._normalize_spec(spec.copy()) self._service_class = _SERVICE_WRAPPERS.get( self._spec.get('service_class', None), None, ) self._ssh_client = None
[docs] def virt_env(self): return self._env
[docs] def _normalize_spec(cls, spec): spec['snapshots'] = spec.get('snapshots', {}) spec['metadata'] = spec.get('metadata', {}) if 'root-password' not in spec: spec['root-password'] = config.get('default_root_password') return spec
[docs] def _open_ssh_client(self): while self._ssh_client is None: try: client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy(), ) client.connect( self.ip(), username='root', key_filename=self._env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), timeout=1, ) return client except socket.error: pass except socket.timeout: pass
[docs] def _check_alive(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.alive(): raise RuntimeError('VM %s is not running' % return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] def _get_ssh_client(self): while True: try: client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy(), ) client.connect( self.ip(), username='root', key_filename=self._env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), timeout=1, ) return client except socket.error: pass except socket.timeout: pass
[docs] def ssh(self, command, data=None, show_output=True): if not self.alive(): raise RuntimeError('Attempt to ssh into offline host') client = self._get_ssh_client() transport = client.get_transport() channel = transport.open_session() joined_command = ' '.join(command) command_id = _gen_ssh_command_id() LOGGER.debug( 'Running %s on %s: %s%s', command_id,, joined_command, data is not None and (' < "%s"' % data) or '', ) channel.exec_command(joined_command) if data is not None: channel.send(data) channel.shutdown_write() rc, out, err = utils.drain_ssh_channel( channel, **( show_output and {} or { 'stdout': None, 'stderr': None } ) ) channel.close() transport.close() client.close() LOGGER.debug( 'Command %s on %s returned with %d', command_id,, rc, ) if out: LOGGER.debug( 'Command %s on %s output:\n %s', command_id,, out, ) if err: LOGGER.debug( 'Command %s on %s errors:\n %s', command_id,, err, ) return utils.CommandStatus(rc, out, err)
[docs] def wait_for_ssh(self): connect_retries = self._spec.get('boot_time_sec', 50) while connect_retries: ret, _, _ = self.ssh(['true']) if ret == 0: return connect_retries -= 1 time.sleep(1) raise RuntimeError('Failed to connect to remote shell')
[docs] def ssh_script(self, path, show_output=True): with open(path) as f: return self.ssh( ['bash', '-s'],, show_output=show_output )
[docs] def _scp(self): client = self._get_ssh_client() scp = SCPClient(client.get_transport()) try: yield scp finally: client.close()
[docs] def copy_to(self, local_path, remote_path): with LogTask( 'Copy %s to %s:%s' % (local_path,, remote_path), ): with self._scp() as scp: scp.put(local_path, remote_path)
[docs] def copy_from(self, remote_path, local_path): with self._scp() as scp: scp.get(remote_path, local_path)
@property def metadata(self): return self._spec['metadata'].copy()
[docs] def name(self): return str(self._spec['name'])
[docs] def iscsi_name(self): return '' %
[docs] def ip(self): return str(self._env.get_net().resolve(
[docs] def _libvirt_name(self): return self._env.prefixed_name(
[docs] def _libvirt_xml(self): with open(_path_to_xml('dom_template.xml')) as f: dom_raw_xml = qemu_kvm_path = [ path for path in [ '/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm', '/usr/bin/qemu-kvm', ] if os.path.exists(path) ].pop() replacements = { '@NAME@': self._libvirt_name(), '@VCPU@': self._spec.get('vcpu', 2), '@CPU@': self._spec.get('cpu', 2), '@MEM_SIZE@': self._spec.get('memory', 16 * 1024), '@QEMU_KVM@': qemu_kvm_path, } for k, v in replacements.items(): dom_raw_xml = dom_raw_xml.replace(k, str(v), 1) dom_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(dom_raw_xml) devices = dom_xml.xpath('/domain/devices')[0] disk = devices.xpath('disk')[0] devices.remove(disk) for disk_order, dev_spec in enumerate(self._spec['disks']): # we have to make some adjustments # we use iso to indicate cdrom # but the ilbvirt wants it named raw # and we need to use cdrom device disk_device = 'disk' bus = 'virtio' if dev_spec['format'] == 'iso': disk_device = 'cdrom' dev_spec['format'] = 'raw' bus = 'ide' # names converted disk = lxml.etree.Element( 'disk', type='file', device=disk_device, ) disk.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'driver', name='qemu', type=dev_spec['format'], ), ) disk.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'boot', order="{}".format(disk_order + 1) ), ) disk.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'source', file=dev_spec['path'], ), ) disk.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'target', dev=dev_spec['dev'], bus=bus, ), ) devices.append(disk) for dev_spec in self._spec['nics']: interface = lxml.etree.Element('interface', type='network', ) interface.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'source', network=self._env.prefixed_name( dev_spec['net'], max_length=15 ), ), ) interface.append(lxml.etree.Element('model', type='virtio', ), ) if 'ip' in dev_spec: interface.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'mac', address=_ip_to_mac(dev_spec['ip']) ), ) devices.append(interface) return lxml.etree.tostring(dom_xml)
[docs] def start(self): if not self.alive(): with LogTask('Starting VM %s' % self._env.libvirt_con.createXML(self._libvirt_xml())
[docs] def stop(self): if self.alive(): self._ssh_client = None with LogTask('Destroying VM %s' % self._env.libvirt_con.lookupByName( self._libvirt_name(), ).destroy()
[docs] def alive(self): dom_names = [ for dom in self._env.libvirt_con.listAllDomains() ] return self._libvirt_name() in dom_names
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, name): if self.alive(): self._create_live_snapshot(name) else: self._create_dead_snapshot(name)
[docs] def _create_dead_snapshot(self, name): raise RuntimeError('Dead snapshots are not implemented yet')
[docs] def _create_live_snapshot(self, name): with LogTask( 'Creating live snapshot named %s for %s' % (name,, level='debug', ): self.wait_for_ssh() self.guest_agent().start() self.ssh('sync'.split(' ')) dom = self._env.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name()) dom_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc()) disks = dom_xml.xpath('devices/disk') with open(_path_to_xml('snapshot_template.xml')) as f: snapshot_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring( snapshot_disks = snapshot_xml.xpath('disks')[0] for disk in disks: target_dev = disk.xpath('target')[0].attrib['dev'] snapshot_disks.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'disk', name=target_dev ) ) try: dom.snapshotCreateXML( lxml.etree.tostring(snapshot_xml), libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_DISK_ONLY | libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_QUIESCE, ) except libvirt.libvirtError: LOGGER.exception( 'Failed to create snapshot %s for %s', name,, ) raise snap_info = [] new_disks = lxml.etree.fromstring( dom.XMLDesc() ).xpath('devices/disk') for disk, xml_node in zip(self._spec['disks'], new_disks): disk['path'] = xml_node.xpath('source')[0].attrib['file'] disk['format'] = 'qcow2' snap_disk = disk.copy() snap_disk['path'] = xml_node.xpath( 'backingStore', )[0].xpath( 'source', )[0].attrib['file'] snap_info.append(snap_disk) self._reclaim_disks() self._spec['snapshots'][name] = snap_info
[docs] def revert_snapshot(self, name): try: snap_info = self._spec['snapshots'][name] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError('No snapshot %s for %s' % (name, with LogTask('Reverting %s to snapshot %s' % (, name)): was_alive = self.alive() if was_alive: self.stop() for disk, disk_template in zip(self._spec['disks'], snap_info): os.unlink(disk['path']) ret, _, _ = utils.run_command( [ 'qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'qcow2', '-b', disk_template['path'], disk['path'], ], cwd=os.path.dirname(disk['path']), ) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to revert disk') self._reclaim_disks() if was_alive: self.start()
[docs] def extract_paths(self, paths): self.guest_agent().start() dom = self._env.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name()) dom.fsFreeze() try: disk_path = self._spec['disks'][0]['path'] disk_root_part = self._spec['disks'][0]['metadata'].get( 'root-partition', 'root', ) g = guestfs.GuestFS(python_return_dict=True) g.add_drive_opts(disk_path, format='qcow2', readonly=1) g.set_backend('direct') g.launch() rootfs = [ filesystem for filesystem in g.list_filesystems() if disk_root_part in filesystem ] if not rootfs: raise RuntimeError( 'No root fs (%s) could be found for %s form list %s' % (disk_root_part, disk_path, str(g.list_filesystems())) ) else: rootfs = rootfs[0] g.mount_ro(rootfs, '/') for (guest_path, host_path) in paths: try: _guestfs_copy_path(g, guest_path, host_path) except Exception: LOGGER.exception( 'Failed to copy %s from %s', guest_path,, ) g.shutdown() g.close() finally: dom.fsThaw()
[docs] def save(self, path=None): if path is None: path = self._env.virt_path('vm-%s' % with open(path, 'w') as f: utils.json_dump(self._spec, f)
[docs] def bootstrap(self): with LogTask('Bootstrapping %s' % if self._spec['disks'][0]['type'] != 'empty' and self._spec[ 'disks' ][0]['format'] != 'iso': sysprep.sysprep( self._spec['disks'][0]['path'], [ sysprep.set_hostname(, sysprep.set_root_password(self.root_password()), sysprep.add_ssh_key( self._env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa_pub(), with_restorecon_fix=(self.distro() == 'fc23'), ), sysprep.set_iscsi_initiator_name(self.iscsi_name()), sysprep.set_selinux_mode('enforcing'), ] + [ sysprep.config_net_interface_dhcp( 'eth%d' % index, _ip_to_mac(nic['ip']), ) for index, nic in enumerate(self._spec['nics']) if 'ip' in nic ], )
[docs] def _reclaim_disk(self, path): if pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(path).st_uid).pw_name == 'qemu': utils.run_command(['sudo', '-u', 'qemu', 'chmod', 'a+rw', path]) else: os.chmod(path, 0666)
[docs] def _reclaim_disks(self): for disk in self._spec['disks']: self._reclaim_disk(disk['path'])
[docs] def vnc_port(self): dom = self._env.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name()) dom_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc()) return dom_xml.xpath('devices/graphics').pop().attrib['port']
[docs] def _detect_service_manager(self): LOGGER.debug('Detecting service manager for %s', for manager_name, service_class in _SERVICE_WRAPPERS.items(): if service_class.is_supported(self): LOGGER.debug( 'Setting %s as service manager for %s', manager_name,, ) self._service_class = service_class self._spec['service_class'] = manager_name break
[docs] def service(self, name): if self._service_class is None: self._detect_service_manager() return self._service_class(self, name)
[docs] def guest_agent(self): if 'guest-agent' not in self._spec: for possible_name in ('qemu-ga', 'qemu-guest-agent'): if self.service(possible_name).exists(): self._spec['guest-agent'] = possible_name break else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find guest agent service') return self.service(self._spec['guest-agent'])
[docs] def interactive_ssh(self, command): client = self._get_ssh_client() transport = client.get_transport() channel = transport.open_session() try: return utils.interactive_ssh_channel(channel, ' '.join(command)) finally: channel.close() transport.close() client.close()
[docs] def interactive_console(self): """ Opens an interactive console Returns: lago.utils.CommandStatus: result of the virsh command execution """ virsh_command = [ "virsh", "-c", LIBVIRT_URL, "console", self._libvirt_name(), ] return utils.run_interactive_command(command=virsh_command, )
[docs] def nics(self): return self._spec['nics'][:]
[docs] def nets(self): return [nic['net'] for nic in self._spec['nics']]
[docs] def _template_metadata(self): return self._spec['disks'][0].get('metadata', {})
[docs] def distro(self): return self._template_metadata().get('distro', None)
[docs] def root_password(self): return self._spec['root-password']