Installing Lago

You’ll notice that some of the actions you need to do to run Lago are currently manual, but we are working to add them as part of the standard Python packaging for Lago which is in progress.

Setting up yum repos

Currently only RPM installation is available but we are working on adding support for Ubuntu and Debian soon.

Add the following repos to a lago.repo file in your /etc/yum.repos.d/ dir:

For Fedora:


For EL distros (such as CentOS, RHEL, etc.):


TODO: point to the release rpm once it’s implemented, and use gpgcheck=1

Installing the packages

Once you have them, install the following packages:

$ yum install python-lago lago

This will install all the needed packages to get you up and running with Lago.

Configuring Libvirt

Make sure libvirt is configured to run:

$ systemctl enable libvirtd
$ systemctl start libvirtd

User permissions setup

Running lago requires certain permissions, so the user running it should be part of certain groups.

Add yourself to lago and qemu groups:

$ usermod -a -G lago USERNAME
$ usermod -a -G qemu USERNAME

It is also advised to add qemu user to your group (to be able to store VM files in home directory):

$ usermod -a -G USERNAME qemu

For the group changes to take place, you’ll need to re-login to the shell. Make sure running id returns all the aforementioned groups.

Make sure that the qemu user has execution rights to the dir where you will be creating the prefixes, you can try it out with:

$ sudo -u qemu ls /path/to/the/destination/dir

If it can’t access it, make sure that all the dirs in the path have your user or qemu groups and execution rights for the group, or execution rights for other (highly recommended to use the group instead, if the dir did not have execution rights for others already)

It’s very common for the user home directory to not have group execution rights, to make sure you can just run:

$ chmod g+x $HOME

And, just to be sure, let’s refresh libvirtd service to ensure that it refreshes it’s permissions and picks up any newly created users:

$ sudo service libvirtd restart