Source code for lago.plugins.vm

# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
VM Plugins
There are two VM-related plugin extension points, there's the
VM Type Plugin, that allows you to modify at a higher level the inner
workings of the VM class (domain concept in the initfile).
The other plugin extension point, the [VM Provider Plugin], that allows you to
create an alternative implementation of the provisioning details for the VM,
for example, using a remote libvirt instance or similar.
import contextlib
import functools
import logging
import os
import warnings
from abc import (ABCMeta, abstractmethod)

from scp import SCPClient, SCPException

from .. import (
from lago.config import config

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LogTask = functools.partial(log_utils.LogTask, logger=LOGGER)

[docs]class VMError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ExtractPathError(VMError): pass
[docs]class ExtractPathNoPathError(VMError): pass
[docs]def _check_alive(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.alive(): raise RuntimeError('VM %s is not running' % return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class VMProviderPlugin(plugins.Plugin): """ If you want to use a custom provider for you VMs (say, ovirt for example), you have to inherit from this class, and then define the 'default_vm_provider' in your config to be your plugin, or explicitly specify it on each domain definition in the initfile with 'vm-provider' key You will have to override at least all the abstractmethods in order to write a provider plugin, even if they are just runnig `pass`. """ def __init__(self, vm): self.vm = vm @abstractmethod
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Start a domain Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Stop a domain Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def defined(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return if the domain is defined (libvirt concept), currently used only by the libvirt provider, put here to allow backwards compatibility. Returns: bool: True if the domain is already defined (libvirt concept) """ pass
[docs] def bootstrap(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Does any actions needed to get the domain ready to be used, ran on prefix init. Return: None """ pass
[docs] def state(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the current state of the domain Returns: str: Small description of the current domain state """ pass
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Take any actions needed to create a snapshot Args: name(str): Name for the snapshot, will be used as key to retrieve it later Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def revert_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Take any actions needed to revert/restore a snapshot Args: name(str): Name for the snapshot, same that was set on creation Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def interactive_console(self): """ Run an interactive console Returns: lago.utils.CommandStatus: resulf of the interactive execution """ return self.vm.interactive_ssh()
[docs] def extract_paths(self, paths, ignore_nopath): """ Extract the given paths from the domain Args: paths(list of str): paths to extract ignore_nopath(boolean): if True will ignore none existing paths. Returns: None Raises: :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathNoPathError`: if a none existing path was found on the VM, and ``ignore_nopath`` is True. :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathError`: on all other failures. """ if self.vm.alive() and self.vm.ssh_reachable( tries=1, propagate_fail=False ): self._extract_paths_scp(paths=paths, ignore_nopath=ignore_nopath) else: raise ExtractPathError( 'Unable to extract paths from {0}: unreachable with SSH'. format( )
[docs] def _extract_paths_scp(self, paths, ignore_nopath): for host_path, guest_path in paths: LOGGER.debug( 'Extracting scp://%s:%s to %s',, host_path, guest_path, ) try: self.vm.copy_from( local_path=guest_path, remote_path=host_path, propagate_fail=False ) except SCPException as err: err_sfx = ': No such file or directory' if ignore_nopath and str.endswith(str(err.message), err_sfx): LOGGER.debug('%s: ignoring', err.message) else: raise ExtractPathNoPathError(err.message)
[docs]class VMPlugin(plugins.Plugin): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta ''' This class takes care of the high level abstraction for a VM (a domain in the initfile lingo). From starting/stopping it to loading and calling the provider if needed. If you want to change only the way the VM is provisioned you can take a look to the `class:VMProviderPlugin` instead. This base class includes also some basic methods implemented with ssh. VM properties: * name * cpus * memory * disks * metadata * network/mac addr * virt_env ''' def __init__(self, env, spec): self.virt_env = env self._spec = self._normalize_spec(spec.copy()) self._ssh_client = None self.service_providers = plugins.load_plugins( namespace=plugins.PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINTS['vm-service'], instantiate=False, ) self._service_class = self._get_service_provider() self.vm_providers = plugins.load_plugins( namespace=plugins.PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINTS['vm-provider'], instantiate=False, ) self.provider = self._get_vm_provider()
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.start(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.stop(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def defined(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.defined(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def bootstrap(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.bootstrap(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def state(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.state(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.create_snapshot(name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def revert_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.revert_snapshot(name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def interactive_console(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.interactive_console(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def extract_paths(self, paths, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.extract_paths(paths, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def copy_to(self, local_path, remote_path, recursive=True): with LogTask( 'Copy %s to %s:%s' % (local_path,, remote_path), ): with self._scp() as scp: scp.put( files=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, recursive=recursive, )
[docs] def copy_from( self, remote_path, local_path, recursive=True, propagate_fail=True ): with self._scp(propagate_fail=propagate_fail) as scp: scp.get( recursive=recursive, remote_path=remote_path, local_path=local_path, )
@property def metadata(self): return self._spec['metadata'].copy()
[docs] def name(self): return str(self._spec['name'])
[docs] def iscsi_name(self): return '' %
[docs] def ip(self): return str(self.virt_env.get_net().resolve(
[docs] def all_ips(self): nets = {} ips = [] nets = self.virt_env.get_nets() for net in nets.values(): mapping = net.mapping() for hostname, ip in mapping.items(): if hostname.startswith( ips.append(str(ip)) return ips
[docs] def ssh( self, command, data=None, show_output=True, propagate_fail=True, tries=None, ): if not self.alive(): raise RuntimeError('Attempt to ssh into a not running host') return ssh.ssh( ip_addr=self.ip(),, command=command, data=None, show_output=True, propagate_fail=True, tries=None, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), )
[docs] def wait_for_ssh(self): return ssh.wait_for_ssh( ip_addr=self.ip(),, connect_timeout=self._spec.get('boot_time_sec', 600), ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), )
[docs] def ssh_script(self, path, show_output=True): return ssh.ssh_script( ip_addr=self.ip(),, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), path=path, show_output=show_output, username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), )
[docs] def alive(self): return self.state() == 'running'
[docs] def ssh_reachable(self, tries=None, propagate_fail=True): """ Check if the VM is reachable with ssh Args: tries(int): Number of tries to try connecting to the host propagate_fail(bool): If set to true, this event will appear in the log and fail the outter stage. Otherwise, it will be discarded. Returns: bool: True if the VM is reachable. """ try: ssh.get_ssh_client( ip_addr=self.ip(),, ssh_tries=tries, propagate_fail=propagate_fail, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), ) except RuntimeError: return False return True
[docs] def save(self, path=None): if path is None: path = self.virt_env.virt_path('vm-%s' % dst_dir = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) with open(path, 'w') as f: utils.json_dump(self._spec, f)
[docs] def service(self, name): if self._service_class is None: self._detect_service_provider() return self._service_class(self, name)
[docs] def interactive_ssh(self, command=None): if command is None: command = ['bash'] return ssh.interactive_ssh( ip_addr=self.ip(),, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), command=command, username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), )
[docs] def nics(self): return self._spec['nics'][:]
[docs] def nets(self): return [nic['net'] for nic in self._spec['nics']]
[docs] def distro(self): distro = self._spec.get('distro', None) if distro is None: distro = self._template_metadata().get('distro', None) return distro
[docs] def root_password(self): root_password = self._spec.get('root-password', None) if root_password is None: root_password = self._spec.get('ssh-password', '') return root_password
[docs] def collect_artifacts(self, host_path, ignore_nopath): self.extract_paths( [ ( guest_path, os.path.join(host_path, guest_path.replace('/', '_')), ) for guest_path in self._artifact_paths() ], ignore_nopath=ignore_nopath )
[docs] def guest_agent(self): if 'guest-agent' not in self._spec: for possible_name in ('qemu-guest-agent', 'qemu-ga'): try: if self.service(possible_name).exists(): self._spec['guest-agent'] = possible_name break except RuntimeError as err: raise RuntimeError( 'Could not find guest agent service: %s' % err ) else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find guest agent service') return self.service(self._spec['guest-agent'])
[docs] def has_guest_agent(self): try: self.guest_agent() except RuntimeError: return False return True
[docs] def _get_vm_provider(self): default_provider = config.get('default_vm_provider') provider_name = self._spec.get('vm-provider', default_provider) provider = self.vm_providers.get(provider_name) self._spec['vm-provider'] = provider_name return provider(vm=self)
[docs] def _normalize_spec(cls, spec): spec['snapshots'] = spec.get('snapshots', {}) spec['metadata'] = spec.get('metadata', {}) if 'root-password' not in spec: root_password = config.get('root_password') if root_password: spec['ssh-password'] = root_password else: spec['ssh-password'] = config.get('ssh_password') if 'ssh-user' not in spec: spec['ssh-user'] = config.get('ssh_user') return spec
[docs] def _scp(self, propagate_fail=True): client = ssh.get_ssh_client( propagate_fail=propagate_fail, ip_addr=self.ip(),, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), ) scp = SCPClient(client.get_transport()) try: yield scp finally: client.close()
[docs] def _detect_service_provider(self): LOGGER.debug('Detecting service provider for %s', for provider_name, service_class in self.service_providers.items(): if service_class.is_supported(self): LOGGER.debug( 'Setting %s as service provider for %s', provider_name,, ) self._service_class = service_class self._spec['service_provider'] = provider_name return raise RuntimeError('No service provider detected for %s' %
[docs] def _template_metadata(self): return self._spec['disks'][0].get('metadata', {})
[docs] def _artifact_paths(self): return self._spec.get('artifacts', [])
[docs] def _get_service_provider(self): """ **NOTE**: Can be reduced to just one get call once we remove support for the service_class spec entry Returns: class: class for the loaded provider for that vm_spec None: if no provider was specified in the vm_spec """ service_class = self._spec.get('service_class', None) if service_class is not None: warnings.warn( 'The service_class key for a domain is deprecated, you should ' 'change it to service_provider instead' ) service_provider = _resolve_service_class( class_name=service_class, service_providers=self.service_providers, ) else: service_provider = self.service_providers.get( self._spec.get('service_provider', None), None, ) return service_provider
[docs]def _resolve_service_class(class_name, service_providers): """ **NOTE**: This must be remved once the service_class spec entry is fully deprecated Retrieves a service plugin class from the class name instead of the provider name Args: class_name(str): Class name of the service plugin to retrieve service_providers(dict): provider_name->provider_class of the loaded service providers Returns: class: Class of the plugin that matches that name Raises: lago.plugins.NoSuchPluginError: if there was no service plugin that matched the search """ for plugin in service_providers.itervalues(): if plugin.__class__.__name__ == class_name: return plugin raise plugins.NoSuchPluginError( 'No service provider plugin with class name %s found, loaded ' 'providers: %s' % ( class_name, [ plugin.__class__.__name__ for plugin in service_providers.itervalues() ], ) )