Source code for lago.vm

# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
import functools
import time
import guestfs
import libvirt
import logging
import lxml
import os
import pwd

from . import (log_utils, utils, sysprep, libvirt_utils)
from .config import config
from .plugins import vm
from .plugins.vm import ExtractPathError, ExtractPathNoPathError

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LogTask = functools.partial(log_utils.LogTask, logger=LOGGER)
log_task = functools.partial(log_utils.log_task, logger=LOGGER)

[docs]def _path_to_xml(basename): return os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), basename, )
[docs]def _check_defined(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.defined(): raise RuntimeError('VM %s is not defined' % return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class DefaultVM(vm.VMPlugin): pass
[docs]class SSHVMProvider(vm.VMProviderPlugin):
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def defined(self, *args, **kwargs): return True
[docs] def bootstrap(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def state(self, *args, **kwargs): return 'running'
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def revert_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class LocalLibvirtVMProvider(vm.VMProviderPlugin): def __init__(self, vm): super(LocalLibvirtVMProvider, self).__init__(vm) libvirt_url = config.get('libvirt_url') self.libvirt_con = libvirt_utils.get_libvirt_connection( name=self.vm.virt_env.uuid + libvirt_url, libvirt_url=libvirt_url, ) self._cpu_model = self.vm._spec.get( 'cpu_model', self.vm.virt_env.get_compatible_cpu_and_family()[0] )
[docs] def start(self): super(LocalLibvirtVMProvider, self).start() if not self.defined(): # the wait_suspend method is a work around for: # # 'LAGO__START_WAIT__SUSPEND' should be set to a float or integer # indicating how much time to sleep between the time the domain # is created in paused mode, until it is resumed. wait_suspend = os.environ.get('LAGO__START__WAIT_SUSPEND') with LogTask('Starting VM %s' % if wait_suspend is None: dom = self.libvirt_con.createXML(self._libvirt_xml()) if not dom: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to create Domain: %s' % self._libvirt_xml() ) else: LOGGER.debug('starting domain in paused mode') try: wait_suspend = float(wait_suspend) except: raise ValueError( 'LAGO__START__WAIT_SUSPEND value is not a number' ) dom = self.libvirt_con.createXML( self._libvirt_xml(), flags=libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED ) time.sleep(wait_suspend) dom.resume() if not dom.isActive(): raise RuntimeError( 'failed to resume %s domain' % )
[docs] def stop(self): super(LocalLibvirtVMProvider, self).stop() if self.defined(): self.vm._ssh_client = None with LogTask('Destroying VM %s' % self.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name(), ).destroy()
[docs] def defined(self): dom_names = [ for dom in self.libvirt_con.listAllDomains()] return self._libvirt_name() in dom_names
[docs] def bootstrap(self): with LogTask('Bootstrapping %s' % if self.vm._spec['disks'][0]['type'] != 'empty' and self.vm._spec[ 'disks' ][0]['format'] != 'iso': sysprep.sysprep( self.vm._spec['disks'][0]['path'], [ sysprep.set_hostname(, sysprep.set_root_password(self.vm.root_password()), sysprep.add_ssh_key( self.vm.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa_pub(), ), sysprep.set_iscsi_initiator_name(self.vm.iscsi_name()), sysprep.edit( "/boot/grub2/grub.cfg", "s/set timeout=5/set timeout=0/g" ) if ( self.vm.distro() == 'el7' or self.vm.distro() == 'fc24' ) else '', ] + [ sysprep.config_net_interface_dhcp( 'eth%d' % index, utils.ipv4_to_mac(nic['ip']), ) for index, nic in enumerate(self.vm._spec['nics']) if 'ip' in nic ], )
[docs] def state(self): """ Return a small description of the current status of the domain Returns: str: small description of the domain status, 'down' if it's not defined at all. """ if not self.defined(): return 'down' state = self.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name()).state() return libvirt_utils.Domain.resolve_state(state)
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, name): if self.vm.alive(): self._create_live_snapshot(name) else: self._create_dead_snapshot(name)
[docs] def revert_snapshot(self, name): try: snap_info = self.vm._spec['snapshots'][name] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( 'No snapshot %s for %s' % (name, ) with LogTask('Reverting %s to snapshot %s' % (, name)): was_defined = self.defined() if was_defined: self.stop() for disk, disk_template in zip(self.vm._spec['disks'], snap_info): os.unlink(os.path.expandvars(disk['path'])) ret, _, _ = utils.run_command( [ 'qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'qcow2', '-b', disk_template['path'], disk['path'], ], cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.expandvars(disk['path'])), ) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to revert disk') self._reclaim_disks() if was_defined: self.start()
[docs] def extract_paths(self, paths, ignore_nopath): """ Extract the given paths from the domain Attempt to extract all files defined in ``paths`` with the method defined in :func:`~lago.plugins.vm.VMProviderPlugin.extract_paths`, if it fails, will try extracting the files with libguestfs. Args: paths(list of str): paths to extract ignore_nopath(boolean): if True will ignore none existing paths. Returns: None Raises: :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathNoPathError`: if a none existing path was found on the VM, and `ignore_nopath` is True. :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathError`: on all other failures. """ try: super(LocalLibvirtVMProvider, self).extract_paths( paths=paths, ignore_nopath=ignore_nopath, ) except ExtractPathError as err: LOGGER.debug( '%s: failed extracting files: %s',, err.message ) LOGGER.debug( '%s: attempting to extract files with libguestfs', ) self._extract_paths_gfs(paths=paths, ignore_nopath=ignore_nopath)
[docs] def interactive_console(self): """ Opens an interactive console Returns: lago.utils.CommandStatus: result of the virsh command execution """ virsh_command = [ "virsh", "-c", config.get('libvirt_url'), "console", self._libvirt_name(), ] return utils.run_interactive_command(command=virsh_command, )
@property def cpu_model(self): """ Return the VM CPU model for domain XML generation Returns: str: cpu model """ return self._cpu_model
[docs] def _libvirt_name(self): return self.vm.virt_env.prefixed_name(
[docs] def _libvirt_xml(self): with open(_path_to_xml('dom_template.xml')) as xml_fd: dom_raw_xml = capabilities_raw_xml = self.libvirt_con.getCapabilities() capabilities_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(capabilities_raw_xml) qemu_kvm_path = capabilities_xml.findtext( "guest[os_type='hvm']/arch[@name='x86_64']/domain[@type='kvm']" "/emulator" ) if not qemu_kvm_path: LOGGER.warning("hardware acceleration not available") qemu_kvm_path = capabilities_xml.findtext( "guest[os_type='hvm']/arch[@name='x86_64']" "/domain[@type='qemu']/../emulator" ) if not qemu_kvm_path: raise Exception('kvm executable not found') replacements = { '@NAME@': self._libvirt_name(), '@VCPU@': self.vm._spec.get('vcpu', 2), '@CPU@': self.vm._spec.get('cpu', 2), '@CPUMODEL@': self.cpu_model, '@MEM_SIZE@': self.vm._spec.get('memory', 16 * 1024), '@QEMU_KVM@': qemu_kvm_path, } for key, val in replacements.items(): dom_raw_xml = dom_raw_xml.replace(key, str(val), 1) dom_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(dom_raw_xml) devices = dom_xml.xpath('/domain/devices')[0] disk = devices.xpath('disk')[0] devices.remove(disk) scsi_con_exists = False for disk_order, dev_spec in enumerate(self.vm._spec['disks']): # we have to make some adjustments # we use iso to indicate cdrom # but the ilbvirt wants it named raw # and we need to use cdrom device disk_device = 'disk' bus = 'virtio' if dev_spec['format'] == 'iso': disk_device = 'cdrom' dev_spec['format'] = 'raw' bus = 'ide' # names converted # support virtio-scsi - sdX devices if dev_spec['dev'].startswith('sd'): bus = 'scsi' if not scsi_con_exists: controller = lxml.etree.Element( 'controller', type='scsi', index='0', model='virtio-scsi', ) driver = lxml.etree.Element( 'driver', iothread='1', ) controller.append(driver) devices.append(controller) scsi_con_exists = True disk = lxml.etree.Element( 'disk', type='file', device=disk_device, ) disk.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'driver', name='qemu', type=dev_spec['format'], discard='unmap', ), ) serial = lxml.etree.SubElement(disk, 'serial') serial.text = "{}".format(disk_order + 1) disk.append(serial) disk.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'boot', order="{}".format(disk_order + 1) ), ) disk.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'source', file=os.path.expandvars(dev_spec['path']), ), ) disk.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'target', dev=dev_spec['dev'], bus=bus, ), ) devices.append(disk) for dev_spec in self.vm._spec['nics']: interface = lxml.etree.Element( 'interface', type='network', ) interface.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'source', network=self.vm.virt_env.prefixed_name( dev_spec['net'], max_length=15 ), ), ) interface.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'model', type='virtio', ), ) if 'ip' in dev_spec: interface.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'mac', address=utils.ipv4_to_mac(dev_spec['ip']) ), ) devices.append(interface) return lxml.etree.tostring(dom_xml)
[docs] def _create_dead_snapshot(self, name): raise RuntimeError('Dead snapshots are not implemented yet')
[docs] def _create_live_snapshot(self, name): with LogTask( 'Creating live snapshot named %s for %s' % (name,, level='debug', ): self.vm.wait_for_ssh() self.vm.guest_agent().start() self.vm.ssh('sync'.split(' ')) dom = self.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name()) dom_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc()) disks = dom_xml.xpath('devices/disk') with open(_path_to_xml('snapshot_template.xml')) as xml_fd: snapshot_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring( snapshot_disks = snapshot_xml.xpath('disks')[0] for disk in disks: target_dev = disk.xpath('target')[0].attrib['dev'] snapshot_disks.append( lxml.etree.Element( 'disk', name=target_dev ) ) try: dom.snapshotCreateXML( lxml.etree.tostring(snapshot_xml), libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_DISK_ONLY | libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_QUIESCE, ) except libvirt.libvirtError: LOGGER.exception( 'Failed to create snapshot %s for %s', name,, ) raise snap_info = [] new_disks = lxml.etree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc() ).xpath('devices/disk') for disk, xml_node in zip(self.vm._spec['disks'], new_disks): disk['path'] = xml_node.xpath('source')[0].attrib['file'] disk['format'] = 'qcow2' snap_disk = disk.copy() snap_disk['path'] = xml_node.xpath('backingStore', )[0].xpath( 'source', )[0].attrib['file'] snap_info.append(snap_disk) self._reclaim_disks() self.vm._spec['snapshots'][name] = snap_info
[docs] def _extract_paths_gfs(self, paths, ignore_nopath): gfs_cli = guestfs.GuestFS(python_return_dict=True) try: disk_path = os.path.expandvars(self.vm._spec['disks'][0]['path']) disk_root_part = self.vm._spec['disks'][0]['metadata'].get( 'root-partition', 'root', ) gfs_cli.add_drive_opts(disk_path, format='qcow2', readonly=1) gfs_cli.set_backend(os.environ.get('LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND', 'direct')) gfs_cli.launch() rootfs = [ filesystem for filesystem in gfs_cli.list_filesystems() if disk_root_part in filesystem ] if not rootfs: raise RuntimeError( 'No root fs (%s) could be found for %s from list %s' % ( disk_root_part, disk_path, str(gfs_cli.list_filesystems()) ) ) else: rootfs = rootfs[0] gfs_cli.mount_ro(rootfs, '/') for (guest_path, host_path) in paths: msg = ('Extracting guestfs://{0}:{1} to {2}').format(, host_path, guest_path ) LOGGER.debug(msg) try: _guestfs_copy_path(gfs_cli, guest_path, host_path) except ExtractPathNoPathError as err: if ignore_nopath: LOGGER.debug('%s: ignoring', err) else: raise finally: gfs_cli.shutdown() gfs_cli.close()
[docs] def _reclaim_disk(self, path): qemu_uid = None try: qemu_uid = pwd.getpwnam('qemu').pw_uid except KeyError: pass if qemu_uid is not None and os.stat(path).st_uid == qemu_uid: utils.run_command(['sudo', '-u', 'qemu', 'chmod', 'a+rw', path]) else: os.chmod(path, 0o0666)
[docs] def _reclaim_disks(self): for disk in self.vm._spec['disks']: self._reclaim_disk(disk['path'])
[docs]def _guestfs_copy_path(guestfs_conn, guest_path, host_path): if guestfs_conn.is_file(guest_path): with open(host_path, 'w') as dest_fd: dest_fd.write(guestfs_conn.read_file(guest_path)) elif guestfs_conn.is_dir(guest_path): os.mkdir(host_path) for path in _guestfs_copy_path( guestfs_conn, os.path.join( guest_path, path, ), os.path.join(host_path, os.path.basename(path)), ) else: raise ExtractPathNoPathError( ('unable to extract {0}: path does not ' 'exist.').format(guest_path) )