Source code for ovirtlago.virt

# Copyright 2015-2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
import os
import time
import warnings
import lago
import lago.vm
import logging
import yaml
from collections import OrderedDict
from lago.config import config as lago_config
from ovirtlago import utils
from utils import partial

import ovirtsdk.api
from ovirtsdk.infrastructure.errors import (RequestError, ConnectionError)

from . import (
from .utils import available_sdks, require_sdk

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import ovirtsdk4 as sdk4
    import ovirtsdk4.types as otypes
except ImportError:

[docs]class OvirtVirtEnv(lago.virt.VirtEnv): def __init__(self, prefix, vm_specs, net_spec): self._engine_vm = None self._host_vms = [] super(OvirtVirtEnv, self).__init__(prefix, vm_specs, net_spec)
[docs] def _create_vm(self, vm_spec): metadata = vm_spec.get('metadata', {}) role = metadata.get('ovirt-role', None) if role: warnings.warn( 'ovirt-role metadata entry will be soon deprecated, instead ' 'you should use the vm-provider entry in the domain ' 'definition and set it no one of: ovirt-node, ovirt-engine, ' 'ovirt-host' ) provider_name = 'ovirt-' + role else: provider_name = vm_spec.get( 'vm-type', lago_config.get('default_vm_provider', 'default'), ) if provider_name == 'ovirt-engine': if self._engine_vm is not None: raise RuntimeError('Engine VM already exists') vm_spec['vm-type'] = provider_name self._engine_vm = super(OvirtVirtEnv, self)._create_vm(vm_spec) return self._engine_vm elif provider_name in ('ovirt-host', 'ovirt-node'): vm_spec['vm-type'] = provider_name self._host_vms.append( super(OvirtVirtEnv, self)._create_vm(vm_spec) ) return self._host_vms[-1] else: return super(OvirtVirtEnv, self)._create_vm(vm_spec)
[docs] def engine_vm(self): return self._engine_vm
[docs] def host_vms(self): return self._host_vms[:]
[docs] def get_ovirt_cpu_family(self, host=None): """ Get a suitable string for oVirt Cluster CPU. If ``host`` is None, it will use a random host, if no hosts are available it will use the Engine VM for detection. The detection is done by getting the VM host CPU model and vendor, from Lago, which in its turn is based on what was configured in the LagoInitFile. The detected model and vendor are then compared against the definitions in `data/ovirt-cpu-map.yaml` or against a custom file, if ``ovirt-cpu-map`` parameter was defined in the host's metadata section. Args: host(lago.vm.DefaultVM): VM CPU/vendor to use for detection Returns: str: oVirt CPU Cluster string Raises: RuntimeError: If unsupported cpu vendor or model is detected """ if host is None: try: host = self.host_vms()[-1] except IndexError: pass if not host: host = self.engine_vm() if host is None: raise RuntimeError('No Engine or Host VMs found') if host.metadata.get('ovirt-cpu-map'): cpu_map_fname = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(host.metadata['ovirt-cpu-map']) ) with open(cpu_map_fname, 'r') as cpu_map_file: cpu_map = yaml.load(cpu_map_file) LOGGER.debug( 'Loaded custom ovirt-cpu-map from %s: %s', cpu_map_fname, cpu_map ) else: cpu_map = yaml.load(utils.get_data_file('ovirt_cpu_map.yaml')) if not cpu_map.get(host.cpu_vendor): raise RuntimeError( ('Unsupported CPU vendor: {0}. ' 'Supported vendors: ' '{1}').format(host.cpu_vendor, ','.join(cpu_map.iterkeys())) ) if not cpu_map[host.cpu_vendor].get(host.cpu_model): raise RuntimeError( ('Unsupported CPU model: {0}. Supported models: {1}').format( host.cpu_model, ','.join(cpu_map[host.cpu_vendor].iterkeys()) ) ) return cpu_map[host.cpu_vendor][host.cpu_model]
[docs] def assert_vdsm_alive(self, timeout=2 * 60): """ Assert service 'vdsmd' reports running on all vdsm hosts Args: timeout(int): timeout Returns: None Raises: AssertionError: if vdsmd is not reported running after the given timeout, or ssh is unreachable. """ def _vdsm_up(host): status = host.service('vdsmd').alive() LOGGER.debug('vdsm status: %s', status) return status for host in self.host_vms(): testlib.assert_true_within( partial(_vdsm_up, host), timeout=timeout )
[docs] def assert_engine_alive(self, timeout=2 * 60): """ Assert service 'ovirt-engine' reports running on the engine VM Args: timeout(int): timeout Returns: None Raises: AssertionError: if ovirt-engine is not reported running after the given timeout, or ssh is unreachable. """ def _ovirt_engine_up(host): status = host.service('ovirt-engine').alive() LOGGER.debug('ovirt-engine status: %s', status) return status testlib.assert_true_within( partial(_ovirt_engine_up, self.engine_vm()), timeout=timeout )
# TODO : solve the problem of ssh to the Node
[docs]class NodeVM(lago.vm.DefaultVM):
[docs] def _artifact_paths(self): return []
[docs] def wait_for_ssh(self): return
[docs]class EngineVM(lago.vm.DefaultVM): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EngineVM, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._api_v3 = None self._api_v4 = None
[docs] def stop(self): super(EngineVM, self).stop() self._api_v3 = None
[docs] def _artifact_paths(self): inherited_artifacts = super(EngineVM, self)._artifact_paths() return set(inherited_artifacts + ['/var/log'])
[docs] def _create_api(self, api_ver): url = 'https://%s/ovirt-engine/api' % self.ip() if api_ver == 3: if '3' not in available_sdks(): raise RuntimeError('oVirt Python SDK v3 not found.') return ovirtsdk.api.API( url=url, username=constants.ENGINE_USER, password=str(self.metadata['ovirt-engine-password']), validate_cert_chain=False, insecure=True, ) if api_ver == 4: if '4' not in available_sdks(): raise RuntimeError('oVirt Python SDK v4 not found.') return sdk4.Connection( url=url, username=constants.ENGINE_USER, password=str(self.metadata['ovirt-engine-password']), insecure=True, debug=True, ) raise RuntimeError('Unknown API requested: %s' % api_ver)
[docs] def _get_api(self, api_ver): try: api_v3 = [] api_v4 = [] def get(): instance = self._create_api(api_ver) if instance: if api_ver == 3: api_v3.append(instance) else: api_v4.append(instance) return True return False testlib.assert_true_within_short( get, allowed_exceptions=[RequestError, ConnectionError], ) except AssertionError: raise RuntimeError('Failed to connect to the engine') if api_ver == 3: return api_v3.pop() else: testapi = api_v4.pop() counter = 1 while not testapi.test(): if counter == 20: raise RuntimeError('test api call failed') else: time.sleep(3) counter += 1 return testapi
[docs] def get_api(self, api_ver=3): if api_ver == 3: return self.get_api_v3() if api_ver == 4: return self.get_api_v4()
[docs] def get_api_v3(self): if self._api_v3 is None or not self._api_v3.test(): self._api_v3 = self._get_api(api_ver=3) return self._api_v3
[docs] def get_api_v4(self, check=False): if self._api_v4 is None or not self._api_v4.test(): self._api_v4 = self._get_api(api_ver=4) if check and self._api_v4 is None: raise RuntimeError('Could not connect to engine') return self._api_v4
[docs] def add_iso(self, path): iso_name = os.path.basename(path) self.copy_to(path, '.') ret = self.ssh( [ 'ovirt-iso-uploader', '--conf-file=/root/iso-uploader.conf', '--insecure', iso_name, ] ) if ret: raise RuntimeError('Failed to upload iso to ovirt') ret = self.ssh(['rm', iso_name]) if ret: raise RuntimeError('Failed to remove uploaded image')
[docs] def engine_setup(self, config=None): self.wait_for_ssh() if config: self.copy_to(config, 'engine-answer-file') result = self.interactive_ssh( [ 'engine-setup', ] + (config and ['--config-append=engine-answer-file'] or []), ) if result.code != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to setup the engine')
[docs] def _search_vms(self, api, query): vms_service = api.system_service().vms_service() return [ for vm in vms_service.list(search=query)]
[docs] def start_all_vms(self, timeout=8 * 60): api = self.get_api_v4(check=True) vms_service = api.system_service().vms_service() ids = self._search_vms(api, query='status=down') [vms_service.vm_service(id).start() for id in ids] def _vm_is_up(id): vm_srv = vms_service.vm_service(id) vm = vm_srv.get() if vm.status == otypes.VmStatus.UP: LOGGER.debug('Engine VM ID %s, is UP', id) return True for id in ids: testlib.assert_true_within( partial(_vm_is_up, id=id), timeout=timeout )
[docs] def stop_all_vms(self, timeout=5 * 60): api = self.get_api_v4(check=True) vms_service = api.system_service().vms_service() ids = self._search_vms(api, query='status=up') [vms_service.vm_service(id).stop() for id in ids] def _vm_is_down(id): vm_srv = vms_service.vm_service(id) vm = vm_srv.get() if vm.status == otypes.VmStatus.DOWN: LOGGER.debug('Engine VM ID %s, is down', id) return True for id in ids: testlib.assert_true_within( partial(_vm_is_down, id=id), timeout=timeout )
[docs] def stop_all_hosts(self, timeout=5 * 60): api = self.get_api_v4(check=True) hosts_service = api.system_service().hosts_service() hosts = hosts_service.list(search='status=up') if hosts: self.stop_all_vms() for h in hosts: host_service = hosts_service.host_service( host_service.deactivate() time.sleep(10) def _host_is_maint(): h_service = hosts_service.host_service( host_obj = h_service.get() if host_obj.status == otypes.HostStatus.MAINTENANCE: return True if host_obj.status == otypes.HostStatus.NON_OPERATIONAL: raise RuntimeError( 'Host %s is in non operational state' % ) elif host_obj.status == otypes.HostStatus.INSTALL_FAILED: raise RuntimeError('Host %s installation failed' % elif host_obj.status == otypes.HostStatus.NON_RESPONSIVE: raise RuntimeError( 'Host %s is in non responsive state' % ) for h in hosts: testlib.assert_true_within(_host_is_maint, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def start_all_hosts(self, timeout=5 * 60): api = self.get_api_v4(check=True) hosts_service = api.system_service().hosts_service() hosts = hosts_service.list(search='status=maintenance') if hosts: def _host_is_up(host): h_service = hosts_service.host_service( host_obj = h_service.get() if host_obj.status == otypes.HostStatus.UP: return True if host_obj.status == otypes.HostStatus.NON_OPERATIONAL: raise RuntimeError( 'Host %s is in non operational state' % ) elif host_obj.status == otypes.HostStatus.INSTALL_FAILED: raise RuntimeError( 'Host %s installation failed' % ) for host in hosts: host_service = hosts_service.host_service( host_service.activate() for host in hosts: testlib.assert_true_within( partial(_host_is_up, host), timeout=timeout )
[docs] def check_sds_status(self, status=None, timeout=5 * 60): # the default status cannot be used in the function header, because # the v4 sdk might not be available. if status is None: status = otypes.StorageDomainStatus.ACTIVE api = self.get_api_v4(check=True) dcs_service = api.system_service().data_centers_service() for dc in dcs_service.list(): def _sds_state(dc_id): dc_service = dcs_service.data_center_service(dc_id) sds = dc_service.storage_domains_service() return all(sd.status == status for sd in sds.list()) testlib.assert_true_within( partial(_sds_state,, timeout=timeout )
[docs] def status(self): api = self.get_api_v4(check=True) sys_service = api.system_service().get() info = {'global': {}, 'items': {}} info['global']['version' ] = sys_service.product_info.version.full_version info['global']['web_ui'] = OrderedDict( [ ('url', self.ip()), ('username', constants.ENGINE_USER), ('password', self.metadata['ovirt-engine-password']) ] ) for k, v in vars(sys_service.summary).viewitems(): if isinstance(v, otypes.ApiSummaryItem): info['items'][k.lstrip('_')] = OrderedDict( [ ('total',, ('active',, ] ) return info
[docs]class HostVM(lago.vm.DefaultVM):
[docs] def _artifact_paths(self): inherited_artifacts = super(HostVM, self)._artifact_paths() return set(inherited_artifacts + [ '/var/log', ])
[docs]class HEHostVM(HostVM):
[docs] def _artifact_paths(self): inherited_artifacts = super(HEHostVM, self)._artifact_paths() return set(inherited_artifacts)