Source code for lago.plugins.vm

# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
VM Plugins
There are two VM-related plugin extension points, there's the
VM Type Plugin, that allows you to modify at a higher level the inner
workings of the VM class (domain concept in the initfile).
The other plugin extension point, the [VM Provider Plugin], that allows you to
create an alternative implementation of the provisioning details for the VM,
for example, using a remote libvirt instance or similar.
from copy import deepcopy
import contextlib
import functools
import logging
import os
import warnings
from abc import (ABCMeta, abstractmethod)

from scp import SCPClient, SCPException

from .. import (
from lago.config import config

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LogTask = functools.partial(log_utils.LogTask, logger=LOGGER)

[docs]class VMError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ExtractPathError(VMError): pass
[docs]class ExtractPathNoPathError(VMError): pass
[docs]def check_defined(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.defined(): raise RuntimeError('VM %s is not defined' % return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def check_alive(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.alive(): raise RuntimeError('VM %s is not running' % return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class VMProviderPlugin(plugins.Plugin): """ If you want to use a custom provider for you VMs (say, ovirt for example), you have to inherit from this class, and then define the 'default_vm_provider' in your config to be your plugin, or explicitly specify it on each domain definition in the initfile with 'vm-provider' key You will have to override at least all the abstractmethods in order to write a provider plugin, even if they are just runnig `pass`. """ def __init__(self, vm): self.vm = vm @abstractmethod
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Start a domain Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Stop a domain Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Shutdown a domain Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def reboot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Reboot a domain Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def defined(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return if the domain is defined (libvirt concept), currently used only by the libvirt provider, put here to allow backwards compatibility. Returns: bool: True if the domain is already defined (libvirt concept) """ pass
[docs] def bootstrap(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Does any actions needed to get the domain ready to be used, ran on prefix init. Return: None """ pass
[docs] def state(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the current state of the domain Returns: str: Small description of the current domain state """ pass
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Take any actions needed to create a snapshot Args: name(str): Name for the snapshot, will be used as key to retrieve it later Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def revert_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Take any actions needed to revert/restore a snapshot Args: name(str): Name for the snapshot, same that was set on creation Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def export_disks(self, standalone, dst_dir, compress, *args, **kwargs): """ Export 'disks' as a standalone image or a layered image. Args: disks(list): The names of the disks to export (None means all the disks) standalone(bool): If true create a copy of the layered image else create a new disk which is a combination of the current layer and the base disk. dst_dir (str): dir to place the exported images compress (bool): if true, compress the exported image. """ pass
[docs] def interactive_console(self): """ Run an interactive console Returns: lago.utils.CommandStatus: resulf of the interactive execution """ return self.vm.interactive_ssh()
[docs] def extract_paths_dead(self, paths, ignore_nopath): """ Extract the given paths from the domain, without the underlying OS awareness """ pass
[docs] def extract_paths(self, paths, ignore_nopath): """ Extract the given paths from the domain Args: paths(list of str): paths to extract ignore_nopath(boolean): if True will ignore none existing paths. Returns: None Raises: :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathNoPathError`: if a none existing path was found on the VM, and ``ignore_nopath`` is True. :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathError`: on all other failures. """ if self.vm.alive() and self.vm.ssh_reachable( tries=5, propagate_fail=False ): self._extract_paths_scp(paths=paths, ignore_nopath=ignore_nopath) else: raise ExtractPathError( 'Unable to extract paths from {0}: unreachable with SSH'. format( )
[docs] def _extract_paths_scp(self, paths, ignore_nopath): for host_path, guest_path in paths: LOGGER.debug( 'Extracting scp://%s:%s to %s',, host_path, guest_path, ) try: self.vm.copy_from( local_path=guest_path, remote_path=host_path, propagate_fail=False ) except SCPException as err: err_substr = ': No such file or directory' if len(err.args) > 0 and isinstance( err.args[0], basestring ) and err_substr in err.args[0]: if ignore_nopath: LOGGER.debug('%s: ignoring', err.args[0]) else: raise ExtractPathNoPathError(err.args[0]) else: raise
[docs]class VMPlugin(plugins.Plugin): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta ''' This class takes care of the high level abstraction for a VM (a domain in the initfile lingo). From starting/stopping it to loading and calling the provider if needed. If you want to change only the way the VM is provisioned you can take a look to the `class:VMProviderPlugin` instead. This base class includes also some basic methods implemented with ssh. VM properties: * name * cpus * memory * disks * metadata * network/mac addr * virt_env ''' def __init__(self, env, spec): self.virt_env = env self._spec = self._normalize_spec(spec.copy()) self._ssh_client = None self.service_providers = plugins.load_plugins( namespace=plugins.PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINTS['vm-service'], instantiate=False, ) self._service_class = self._get_service_provider() self.vm_providers = plugins.load_plugins( namespace=plugins.PLUGIN_ENTRY_POINTS['vm-provider'], instantiate=False, ) self.provider = self._get_vm_provider()
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.start(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.stop(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.shutdown(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def reboot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.reboot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def defined(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.defined(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def bootstrap(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.bootstrap(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def state(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.state(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.create_snapshot(name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def revert_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.revert_snapshot(name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def interactive_console(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.interactive_console(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def extract_paths(self, paths, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.extract_paths(paths, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def extract_paths_dead(self, paths, *args, **kwargs): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.extract_paths_dead(paths, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def export_disks( self, standalone=True, dst_dir=None, compress=False, collect_only=False, with_threads=True, *args, **kwargs ): """ Thin method that just uses the provider """ return self.provider.export_disks( standalone, dst_dir, compress, collect_only, with_threads, *args, **kwargs )
[docs] def copy_to(self, local_path, remote_path, recursive=True): with LogTask( 'Copy %s to %s:%s' % (local_path,, remote_path), ): with self._scp() as scp: scp.put( files=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, recursive=recursive, )
[docs] def copy_from( self, remote_path, local_path, recursive=True, propagate_fail=True ): with self._scp(propagate_fail=propagate_fail) as scp: scp.get( recursive=recursive, remote_path=remote_path, local_path=local_path, )
@property def metadata(self): return self._spec['metadata'].copy() @property def disks(self): return self._spec['disks'][:] @property def spec(self): return deepcopy(self._spec) @property def mgmt_name(self): return self._spec.get('mgmt_net', None) @property def mgmt_net(self): return self.virt_env.get_net(name=self.mgmt_name) @property def vm_type(self): return self._spec['vm-type'] @property def groups(self): """ Returns: list of str: The names of the groups to which this vm belongs (as specified in the init file) """ groups = self._spec.get('groups', []) if groups: return groups[:] else: return groups
[docs] def name(self): return str(self._spec['name'])
[docs] def iscsi_name(self): return '' %
[docs] def ip(self): res = self.mgmt_net.resolve( return res.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
[docs] def all_ips(self): nets = {} ips = [] nets = self.virt_env.get_nets() for net in nets.values(): mapping = net.mapping() for hostname, ip in mapping.items(): if hostname.startswith( ips.append(str(ip)) return ips
[docs] def ssh( self, command, data=None, show_output=True, propagate_fail=True, tries=None, ): if not self.alive(): raise RuntimeError('Attempt to ssh into a not running host') return ssh.ssh( ip_addr=self.ip(),, command=command, data=None, show_output=True, propagate_fail=True, tries=None, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), )
[docs] def wait_for_ssh(self): return ssh.wait_for_ssh( ip_addr=self.ip(),, connect_timeout=self._spec.get('boot_time_sec', 600), ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), )
[docs] def ssh_script(self, path, show_output=True): return ssh.ssh_script( ip_addr=self.ip(),, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), path=path, show_output=show_output, username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), )
[docs] def alive(self): return self.state() == 'running'
[docs] def ssh_reachable(self, tries=None, propagate_fail=True): """ Check if the VM is reachable with ssh Args: tries(int): Number of tries to try connecting to the host propagate_fail(bool): If set to true, this event will appear in the log and fail the outter stage. Otherwise, it will be discarded. Returns: bool: True if the VM is reachable. """ try: ssh.get_ssh_client( ip_addr=self.ip(),, ssh_tries=tries, propagate_fail=propagate_fail, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), ) except RuntimeError: return False return True
[docs] def save(self, path=None): if path is None: path = self.virt_env.virt_path('vm-%s' % dst_dir = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) with open(path, 'w') as f: utils.json_dump(self._spec, f)
[docs] def service(self, name): if self._service_class is None: self._detect_service_provider() return self._service_class(self, name)
[docs] def interactive_ssh(self, command=None): if command is None: command = ['bash'] return ssh.interactive_ssh( ip_addr=self.ip(),, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), command=command, username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), )
[docs] def nics(self): return self._spec['nics'][:]
[docs] def nets(self): return [nic['net'] for nic in self._spec['nics']]
[docs] def distro(self): distro = self._spec.get('distro', None) if distro is None: distro = self._template_metadata().get('distro', None) return distro
[docs] def root_password(self): root_password = self._spec.get('root-password', None) if root_password is None: root_password = self._spec.get('ssh-password', '') return root_password
[docs] def collect_artifacts(self, host_path, ignore_nopath): self.extract_paths( [ ( guest_path, os.path.join(host_path, guest_path.replace('/', '_')), ) for guest_path in self._artifact_paths() ], ignore_nopath=ignore_nopath )
[docs] def guest_agent(self): if 'guest-agent' not in self._spec: for possible_name in ('qemu-guest-agent', 'qemu-ga'): try: if self.service(possible_name).exists(): self._spec['guest-agent'] = possible_name break except RuntimeError as err: raise RuntimeError( 'Could not find guest agent service: %s' % err ) else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find guest agent service') return self.service(self._spec['guest-agent'])
[docs] def has_guest_agent(self): try: self.guest_agent() except RuntimeError: return False return True
[docs] def _get_vm_provider(self): default_provider = config.get('default_vm_provider') provider_name = self._spec.get('vm-provider', default_provider) provider = self.vm_providers.get(provider_name) self._spec['vm-provider'] = provider_name return provider(vm=self)
[docs] def _normalize_spec(cls, spec): spec['snapshots'] = spec.get('snapshots', {}) spec['metadata'] = spec.get('metadata', {}) if 'root-password' not in spec: root_password = config.get('root_password') if root_password: spec['ssh-password'] = root_password else: spec['ssh-password'] = config.get('ssh_password') if 'ssh-user' not in spec: spec['ssh-user'] = config.get('ssh_user') return spec
[docs] def _scp(self, propagate_fail=True): client = ssh.get_ssh_client( propagate_fail=propagate_fail, ip_addr=self.ip(),, ssh_key=self.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), username=self._spec.get('ssh-user'), password=self._spec.get('ssh-password'), ) scp = SCPClient(client.get_transport()) try: yield scp finally: client.close()
[docs] def _detect_service_provider(self): LOGGER.debug('Detecting service provider for %s', for provider_name, service_class in self.service_providers.items(): if service_class.is_supported(self): LOGGER.debug( 'Setting %s as service provider for %s', provider_name,, ) self._service_class = service_class self._spec['service_provider'] = provider_name return raise RuntimeError('No service provider detected for %s' %
[docs] def _template_metadata(self): return self._spec['disks'][0].get('metadata', {})
[docs] def _artifact_paths(self): return self._spec.get('artifacts', [])
[docs] def _get_service_provider(self): """ **NOTE**: Can be reduced to just one get call once we remove support for the service_class spec entry Returns: class: class for the loaded provider for that vm_spec None: if no provider was specified in the vm_spec """ service_class = self._spec.get('service_class', None) if service_class is not None: warnings.warn( 'The service_class key for a domain is deprecated, you should ' 'change it to service_provider instead' ) service_provider = _resolve_service_class( class_name=service_class, service_providers=self.service_providers, ) else: service_provider = self.service_providers.get( self._spec.get('service_provider', None), None, ) return service_provider
[docs]def _resolve_service_class(class_name, service_providers): """ **NOTE**: This must be remved once the service_class spec entry is fully deprecated Retrieves a service plugin class from the class name instead of the provider name Args: class_name(str): Class name of the service plugin to retrieve service_providers(dict): provider_name->provider_class of the loaded service providers Returns: class: Class of the plugin that matches that name Raises: lago.plugins.NoSuchPluginError: if there was no service plugin that matched the search """ for plugin in service_providers.itervalues(): if plugin.__class__.__name__ == class_name: return plugin raise plugins.NoSuchPluginError( 'No service provider plugin with class name %s found, loaded ' 'providers: %s' % ( class_name, [ plugin.__class__.__name__ for plugin in service_providers.itervalues() ], ) )