Installing Lago

Lago is officially supported and tested on Fedora 24+ and CentOS 7.3+ distributions. However, it should be fairly easy to install it on any Linux distribution that can run libvirt and qemu-kvm using pip, here we provide instructions also for Ubuntu 16.04 which we test from time to time. Feel free to open PR if you got it running on a distribution which is not listed here so it could be added.


  1. Install system package dependencies:

    1. CentOS 7.3+
    $ yum install -y epel-release centos-release-qemu-ev
    $ yum install -y python-devel libvirt libvirt-devel \
        libguestfs-tools libguestfs-devel gcc libffi-devel \
        openssl-devel qemu-kvm-ev
    1. Fedora 24+
    $ dnf install -y python2-devel libvirt libvirt-devel \
        libguestfs-tools libguestfs-devel gcc libffi-devel \
        openssl-devel qemu-kvm
    1. Ubuntu 16.04+
    $ apt-get install -y python-dev build-essential libssl-dev \
        libffi-dev qemu-kvm libvirt-bin libvirt-dev pkg-config \
        libguestfs-tools libguestfs-dev
  2. Install libguestfs Python bindings, as they are not available on PyPI [3]:

    $ pip install
  3. Install Lago with pip:

    $ pip install lago
  4. Setup permissions(replacing USERNAME accordingly):

    • Fedora / CentOS:

      $ sudo usermod -a -G qemu,libvirt USERNAME
      $ sudo usermod -a -G USERNAME qemu
      $ sudo chmod g+x $HOME
    • Ubuntu 16.04+ :

      $ sudo usermod -a -G libvirtd,kvm USERNAME
      $ chmod 0644 /boot/vmlinuz*
  5. Create a global share for Lago to store templates:

    $ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/lago
    $ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/lago/{repos,store,subnets}
    $ sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /var/lib/lago

    Note: If you’d like to store the templates in a different location look at the Configuration section, and change lease_dir, template_repos and template_store accordingly. This can be done after the installation is completed.

  6. Restart libvirt:

    $ systemctl restart libvirtd
  7. Log out and login again

Thats it! Lago should be working now. You can jump to Lago Examples.

RPM Based - Fedora 24+ / CentOS 7.3+

Install script

  1. Download the installation script and make it executable:

    $ curl \
        -o \
        && chmod +x
  2. Run the installation script(replacing username with your username):

    $ sudo ./ --user [username]
  3. Log out and login again.

Manual RPM installation

  1. Add the following repository to a new file at /etc/yum.repos.d/lago.repo:

    For Fedora:


    For CentOS:


    For CentOS only, you need EPEL and centos-release-qemu-ev repositories, those can be installed by running:

    $ sudo yum install -y epel-release centos-release-qemu-ev
  2. With the Lago repository configured, run(for Fedora use dnf instead):

    $ sudo yum install -y lago
  3. Setup group permissions:

    $ sudo usermod -a -G lago USERNAME
    $ sudo usermod -a -G qemu USERNAME
    $ sudo usermod -a -G USERNAME qemu
  4. Add group execution rights to your home directory: [1]

    $ chmod g+x $HOME
  5. Restart libvirtd:

    $ sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
    $ sudo systemctl restart libvirtd
  6. Log out and login again.


  • Q: After using the install script, how do I fix the permissions for another username?

    A: Run:

    $ ./ -p --user [new_user]
  • Q: Can Lago be installed in a Python virtualenv?

    A: Follow the same procedure as in the pip instructions, only run the

    pip installation under your virtualenv. Consult [3] if you want to install libguestfs Python bindings not from pip.


  • Problem: QEMU throws an error it can’t access files in my home directory.

    Solution: Check again that you have setup the permissions described in the Manual RPM Installation section. After doing that, log out and log in again. If QEMU has the proper permissions, the following command should work( replace some/nested/path with a directory inside your home directory):

    $ sudo -u qemu ls $HOME/some/nested/path
[1]For more information why this step is needed see, at the bottom of “POSIX users/groups” section.
[2]If the installation script does not work for you on the supported distributions, please open an issue at h ttps://
[3](1, 2) libguestfs Python bindings is unfortunately not available on PyPI, see for current status. You may also use the system-wide package, if those are available for your distribution. In that case, if using a virtualenv, ensure you are creating it with ‘–system-site-packages’ option. For Fedora/CentOS the package is named python2-libguestfs, and for Ubuntu python-guestfs.