Source code for lago.prefix

# Copyright 2014-2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
import copy
import functools
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from textwrap import dedent
import time
import urlparse
import urllib
import uuid
import warnings
import pkg_resources
from os.path import join
from plugins.output import YAMLOutFormatPlugin

import xmltodict

import paths
import subnet_lease
import utils
from utils import LagoInitException
import virt
import log_utils
import build
import sdk_utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LogTask = functools.partial(log_utils.LogTask, logger=LOGGER)
log_task = functools.partial(log_utils.log_task, logger=LOGGER)

[docs]def _create_ip(subnet, index): """ Given a subnet or an ip and an index returns the ip with that lower index from the subnet ( mask only subnets) Args: subnet (str): Strign containing the three first elements of the decimal representation of a subnet (X.Y.Z) or a full ip (X.Y.Z.A) index (int or str): Last element of a decimal ip representation, for example, 123 for the ip Returns: str: The dotted decimal representation of the ip """ return '.'.join(subnet.split('.')[:3] + [str(index)])
[docs]def _ip_in_subnet(subnet, ip): """ Checks if an ip is included in a subnet. Note: only masks allowed Args: subnet (str): Strign containing the three first elements of the decimal representation of a subnet (X.Y.Z) or a full ip (X.Y.Z.A) ip (str or int): Decimal ip representation Returns: bool: ``True`` if ip is in subnet, ``False`` otherwise """ return ( _create_ip(subnet, 1) == _create_ip(ip, 1) or '' == _create_ip(ip, 1) )
[docs]class Prefix(object): """ A prefix is a directory that will contain all the data needed to setup the environment. Attributes: _paths (lago.path.Paths): Paths handler class _virt_env (lago.virt.VirtEnv): Lazily loaded virtual env handler _metadata (dict): Lazily loaded metadata """ VIRT_ENV_CLASS = virt.VirtEnv def __init__(self, prefix): """ Args: prefix (str): Path of the prefix """ # self._prefix should be dropped in lago ver 0.44 self._prefix = prefix self._paths = paths.Paths(prefix) self._virt_env = None self._metadata = None self._subnet_store = subnet_lease.SubnetStore() @property @sdk_utils.expose def metadata(self): """ Retrieve the metadata info for this prefix Returns: dict: metadata info """ if self._metadata is None: try: with open(self.paths.metadata()) as metadata_fd: self._metadata = json.load(metadata_fd) except IOError: self._metadata = {} return self._metadata
[docs] def _save_metadata(self): """ Write this prefix metadata to disk Returns: None """ with open(self.paths.metadata(), 'w') as metadata_fd: utils.json_dump(self.metadata, metadata_fd)
[docs] def save(self): """ Save this prefix to persistent storage Returns: None """ if not os.path.exists(self.paths.virt()): os.makedirs(self.paths.virt()) self._save_metadata()
[docs] def _create_ssh_keys(self): """ Generate a pair of ssh keys for this prefix Returns: None Raises: RuntimeError: if it fails to create the keys """ ret, _, _ = utils.run_command( [ 'ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-N', '', '-f', self.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), ] ) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to crate ssh keys at %s', self.paths.ssh_id_rsa(), )
[docs] @log_task('Initialize prefix') def initialize(self): """ Initialize this prefix, this includes creating the destination path, and creating the uuid for the prefix, for any other actions see :func:`Prefix.virt_conf` Will safely roll back if any of those steps fail Returns: None Raises: RuntimeError: If it fails to create the prefix dir """ prefix = self.paths.prefix_path() os.environ['LAGO_PREFIX_PATH'] = prefix os.environ['LAGO_WORKDIR_PATH'] = os.path.dirname(prefix) with utils.RollbackContext() as rollback: with LogTask('Create prefix dirs'): try: os.mkdir(prefix) except OSError as error: raise RuntimeError( 'Could not create prefix at %s:\n%s' % (prefix, error) ) rollback.prependDefer(shutil.rmtree, prefix) with open(self.paths.uuid(), 'w') as f, \ LogTask('Generate prefix uuid'): f.write(uuid.uuid1().hex) with LogTask('Create ssh keys'): self._create_ssh_keys() with LogTask('Tag prefix as initialized'): with open(self.paths.prefix_lagofile(), 'w') as fd: fd.write('') rollback.clear()
[docs] @log_task('Cleanup prefix') def cleanup(self): """ Stops any running entities in the prefix and uninitializes it, usually you want to do this if you are going to remove the prefix afterwards Returns: None """ with LogTask('Stop prefix'): self.stop() with LogTask("Tag prefix as uninitialized"): os.unlink(self.paths.prefix_lagofile())
[docs] @staticmethod def _init_net_specs(conf): """ Given a configuration specification, initializes all the net definitions in it so they can be used comfortably Args: conf (dict): Configuration specification Returns: dict: the adapted new conf """ for net_name, net_spec in conf.get('nets', {}).items(): net_spec['name'] = net_name net_spec['mapping'] = {} net_spec.setdefault('type', 'nat') return conf
[docs] def _allocate_subnets(self, conf): """ Allocate all the subnets needed by the given configuration spec Args: conf (dict): Configuration spec where to get the nets definitions from Returns: tuple(list, dict): allocated subnets and modified conf """ allocated_subnets = [] try: for net_spec in conf.get('nets', {}).itervalues(): if net_spec['type'] != 'nat': continue gateway = net_spec.get('gw') if gateway: allocated_subnet = self._subnet_store.acquire( self.paths.uuid(), gateway ) else: allocated_subnet = self._subnet_store.acquire( self.paths.uuid() ) net_spec['gw'] = str(allocated_subnet.iter_hosts().next()) allocated_subnets.append(allocated_subnet) except: self._subnet_store.release(allocated_subnets) raise return allocated_subnets, conf
[docs] def _add_nic_to_mapping(self, net, dom, nic): """ Populates the given net spec mapping entry with the nics of the given domain, by the following rules: * If ``net`` is management, 'domain_name': nic_ip * For each interface: 'domain_name-eth#': nic_ip, where # is the index of the nic in the *domain* definition. * For each interface: 'domain_name-net_name-#': nic_ip, where # is a running number of interfaces from that network. * For each interface: 'domain_name-net_name', which has an identical IP to 'domain_name-net_name-0' Args: net (dict): Network spec to populate dom (dict): libvirt domain specification nic (str): Name of the interface to add to the net mapping from the domain Returns: None """ dom_name = dom['name'] idx = dom['nics'].index(nic) name = '{0}-eth{1}'.format(dom_name, idx) net['mapping'][name] = nic['ip'] if dom['nics'][idx]['net'] == dom['mgmt_net']: net['mapping'][dom_name] = nic['ip'] name_by_net = '{0}-{1}'.format(dom_name, nic['net']) named_nets = sorted( [ net_name for net_name in net['mapping'].keys() if net_name.startswith(name_by_net) and net_name != name_by_net ] ) if len(named_nets) == 0: named_idx = 0 net['mapping'][name_by_net] = nic['ip'] else: named_idx = len(named_nets) named_net = '{0}-{1}'.format(name_by_net, named_idx) net['mapping'][named_net] = nic['ip']
[docs] def _select_mgmt_networks(self, conf): """ Select management networks. If no management network is found, it will mark the first network found by sorted the network lists. Also adding default DNS domain, if none is set. Args: conf(spec): spec """ nets = conf['nets'] mgmts = sorted( [ name for name, net in nets.iteritems() if net.get('management') is True ] ) if len(mgmts) == 0: mgmt_name = sorted((nets.keys()))[0] LOGGER.debug( 'No management network configured, selecting network %s', mgmt_name ) nets[mgmt_name]['management'] = True mgmts.append(mgmt_name) for mgmt_name in mgmts: if nets[mgmt_name].get('dns_domain_name', None) is None: nets[mgmt_name]['dns_domain_name'] = 'lago.local' return mgmts
[docs] def _add_dns_records(self, conf, mgmts): """ Add DNS records dict('dns_records') to ``conf`` for each management network. Add DNS forwarder IP('dns_forward') for each none management network. Args: conf(spec): spec mgmts(list): management networks names Returns: None """ nets = conf['nets'] dns_mgmt = mgmts[-1] LOGGER.debug('Using network %s as main DNS server', dns_mgmt) forward = conf['nets'][dns_mgmt].get('gw') dns_records = {} for net_name, net_spec in nets.iteritems(): dns_records.update(net_spec['mapping'].copy()) if net_name not in mgmts: net_spec['dns_forward'] = forward for mgmt in mgmts: if nets[mgmt].get('dns_records'): nets[mgmt]['dns_records'].update(dns_records) else: nets[mgmt]['dns_records'] = dns_records
[docs] def _register_preallocated_ips(self, conf): """ Parse all the domains in the given conf and preallocate all their ips into the networks mappings, raising exception on duplicated ips or ips out of the allowed ranges See Also: :mod:`lago.subnet_lease` Args: conf (dict): Configuration spec to parse Returns: None Raises: RuntimeError: if there are any duplicated ips or any ip out of the allowed range """ for dom_name, dom_spec in conf.get('domains', {}).items(): for idx, nic in enumerate(dom_spec.get('nics', [])): if 'ip' not in nic: continue net = conf['nets'][nic['net']] if self._subnet_store.is_leasable_subnet(net['gw']): nic['ip'] = _create_ip( net['gw'], int(nic['ip'].split('.')[-1]) ) dom_name = dom_spec['name'] if not _ip_in_subnet(net['gw'], nic['ip']): raise RuntimeError( "%s:nic%d's IP [%s] is outside the subnet [%s]" % ( dom_name, dom_spec['nics'].index(nic), nic['ip'], net['gw'], ), ) if nic['ip'] in net['mapping'].values(): conflict_list = [ name for name, ip in net['mapping'].items() if ip == net['ip'] ] raise RuntimeError( 'IP %s was to several domains: %s %s' % ( nic['ip'], dom_name, ' '.join(conflict_list), ), ) self._add_nic_to_mapping(net, dom_spec, nic)
[docs] def _get_net(self, conf, dom_name, nic): try: net = conf['nets'][nic['net']] except KeyError: raise LagoInitException( dedent( """ Unrecognized network in {0}: {1}, available: {2} """.format( dom_name, nic['net'], ','.join(conf.get('nets', {}).keys()), ) ) ) return net
[docs] def _allocate_ips_to_nics(self, conf): """ For all the nics of all the domains in the conf that have dynamic ip, allocate one and addit to the network mapping Args: conf (dict): Configuration spec to extract the domains from Returns: None """ for dom_name, dom_spec in conf.get('domains', {}).items(): for idx, nic in enumerate(dom_spec.get('nics', [])): if 'ip' in nic: continue net = self._get_net(conf, dom_name, nic) if net['type'] != 'nat': continue allocated = net['mapping'].values() vacant = _create_ip( net['gw'], set(range(2, 255)).difference( set([int(ip.split('.')[-1]) for ip in allocated]) ).pop() ) nic['ip'] = vacant self._add_nic_to_mapping(net, dom_spec, nic)
[docs] def _set_mtu_to_nics(self, conf): """ For all the nics of all the domains in the conf that have MTU set, save the MTU on the NIC definition. Args: conf (dict): Configuration spec to extract the domains from Returns: None """ for dom_name, dom_spec in conf.get('domains', {}).items(): for idx, nic in enumerate(dom_spec.get('nics', [])): net = self._get_net(conf, dom_name, nic) mtu = net.get('mtu', 1500) if mtu != 1500: nic['mtu'] = mtu
[docs] def _config_net_topology(self, conf): """ Initialize and populate all the network related elements, like reserving ips and populating network specs of the given confiiguration spec Args: conf (dict): Configuration spec to initalize Returns: None """ conf = self._init_net_specs(conf) mgmts = self._select_mgmt_networks(conf) self._validate_netconfig(conf) allocated_subnets, conf = self._allocate_subnets(conf) try: self._add_mgmt_to_domains(conf, mgmts) self._register_preallocated_ips(conf) self._allocate_ips_to_nics(conf) self._set_mtu_to_nics(conf) self._add_dns_records(conf, mgmts) except: self._subnet_store.release(allocated_subnets) raise return conf
[docs] def _add_mgmt_to_domains(self, conf, mgmts): """ Add management network key('mgmt_net') to each domain. Note this assumes ``conf`` was validated. Args: conf(dict): spec mgmts(list): list of management networks names """ for dom_name, dom_spec in conf['domains'].iteritems(): domain_mgmt = [ nic['net'] for nic in dom_spec['nics'] if nic['net'] in mgmts ].pop() dom_spec['mgmt_net'] = domain_mgmt
[docs] def _validate_netconfig(self, conf): """ Validate network configuration Args: conf(dict): spec Returns: None Raises: :exc:`~lago.utils.LagoInitException`: If a VM has more than one management network configured, or a network which is not management has DNS attributes, or a VM is configured with a none-existence NIC, or a VM has no management network. """ nets = conf.get('nets', {}) if len(nets) == 0: # TO-DO: add default networking if no network is configured raise LagoInitException('No networks configured.') no_mgmt_dns = [ name for name, net in nets.iteritems() if net.get('management', None) is None and (net.get('main_dns') or net.get('dns_domain_name')) ] if len(no_mgmt_dns) > 0 and len(nets.keys()) > 1: raise LagoInitException( ( 'Networks: {0}, misconfigured, they ' 'are not marked as management, but have ' 'DNS attributes. DNS is supported ' 'only in management networks.' ).format(','.join(no_mgmt_dns)) ) for dom_name, dom_spec in conf['domains'].items(): mgmts = [] for nic in dom_spec['nics']: net = self._get_net(conf, dom_name, nic) if net.get('management', False) is True: mgmts.append(nic['net']) if len(mgmts) == 0: raise LagoInitException( ( 'VM {0} has no management network, ' 'please connect it to ' 'one.' ).format(dom_name) ) if len(mgmts) > 1: raise LagoInitException( ( 'VM {0} has more than one management ' 'network: {1}. It should have exactly ' 'one.' ).format(dom_name, ','.join(mgmts)) )
[docs] def _create_disk( self, name, spec, template_repo=None, template_store=None, ): """ Creates a disc with the given name from the given repo or store Args: name (str): Name of the domain to create the disk for spec (dict): Specification of the disk to create template_repo (TemplateRepository or None): template repo instance to use template_store (TemplateStore or None): template store instance to use Returns: Tuple(str, dict): Path to the disk and disk metadata Raises: RuntimeError: If the type of the disk is not supported or failed to create the disk """ LOGGER.debug("Spec: %s" % spec) with LogTask("Create disk %s" % spec['name']): disk_metadata = {} if spec['type'] == 'template': disk_path, disk_metadata = self._handle_template( host_name=name, template_spec=spec, template_repo=template_repo, template_store=template_store, ) elif spec['type'] == 'empty': disk_path, disk_metadata = self._handle_empty_disk( host_name=name, disk_spec=spec, ) elif spec['type'] == 'file': disk_path, disk_metadata = self._handle_file_disk( disk_spec=spec, ) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown drive spec %s' % str(spec)) return disk_path, disk_metadata
[docs] def _handle_file_disk(self, disk_spec): url = os.path.expandvars(disk_spec.get('url', '')) disk_path = os.path.expandvars(disk_spec.get('path', '')) disk_metadata = disk_spec.get('metadata', {}) if not url and not disk_path: raise RuntimeError( 'Partial drive spec, no url nor path provided for disk of ' 'type file:\n%s' % str(disk_spec) ) if url: disk_spec['path'] = self._retrieve_disk_url(url, disk_path) else: # Create a copy of the file or use the original if disk_spec.get('make_a_copy'):"Making a copy") dest_path = self._generate_disk_path( os.path.basename(disk_spec['path']) ) # Use cp in order to keep the file sparse utils.cp(disk_spec['path'], dest_path) disk_spec['path'] = dest_path else: disk_spec['path'] = disk_path # If we're using raw file, return its path disk_path = disk_spec['path'] return disk_path, disk_metadata
[docs] def _retrieve_disk_url(self, disk_url, disk_dst_path=None): disk_in_prefix = self.fetch_url(disk_url) if disk_dst_path is None: return disk_in_prefix else: shutil.move(disk_in_prefix, disk_dst_path) return disk_dst_path
[docs] @staticmethod def _generate_disk_name(host_name, disk_name, disk_format): return '%s_%s.%s' % ( host_name, disk_name, disk_format, )
[docs] def _generate_disk_path(self, disk_name): return os.path.expandvars(self.paths.images(disk_name))
[docs] def _handle_empty_disk(self, host_name, disk_spec): disk_metadata = disk_spec.get('metadata', {}) disk_filename = self._generate_disk_name( host_name=host_name, disk_name=disk_spec['name'], disk_format=disk_spec['format'], ) disk_path = self._generate_disk_path(disk_name=disk_filename) qemu_cmd = ['qemu-img', 'create'] if disk_spec['format'] == 'qcow2': qemu_cmd += [ '-f', disk_spec['format'], '-o', 'preallocation=metadata' ] else: qemu_cmd += ['-f', disk_spec['format']] qemu_cmd += [disk_path, disk_spec['size']] if os.path.exists(disk_path): os.unlink(disk_path) with LogTask( 'Create empty disk %s(%s)' % (host_name, disk_spec['name']) ): self._run_qemu(qemu_cmd, disk_path) disk_rel_path = os.path.join( '$LAGO_PREFIX_PATH', os.path.basename(self.paths.images()), os.path.basename(disk_path), ) return disk_rel_path, disk_metadata
[docs] @staticmethod def _run_qemu(qemu_cmd, disk_path): ret = utils.run_command(qemu_cmd) if ret.code != 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to create image, qemu-img returned %d:\n' 'out:%s\nerr:%s' % ret, ) # To avoid losing access to the file os.chmod(disk_path, 0666) return ret
[docs] def _handle_template( self, host_name, template_spec, template_store=None, template_repo=None ): template_type = template_spec.get('template_type', 'lago') disk_filename = self._generate_disk_name( host_name=host_name, disk_name=template_spec['name'], disk_format=template_spec['format'], ) disk_path = self._generate_disk_path(disk_name=disk_filename) if template_type == 'lago': qemu_cmd, disk_metadata, _ = self._handle_lago_template( disk_path=disk_path, template_spec=template_spec, template_store=template_store, template_repo=template_repo, ) elif template_type == 'qcow2': qemu_cmd, disk_metadata = self._handle_qcow_template( disk_path=disk_path, template_spec=template_spec, template_store=template_store, template_repo=template_repo ) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unsupporte template spec %s' % str(template_spec) ) if os.path.exists(disk_path): os.unlink(disk_path) with LogTask( 'Create disk %s(%s)' % (host_name, template_spec['name']) ): self._run_qemu(qemu_cmd, disk_path) # Update the path as relative so it can be relocated disk_rel_path = os.path.join( '$LAGO_PREFIX_PATH', os.path.basename(self.paths.images()), os.path.basename(disk_path), ) return disk_rel_path, disk_metadata
[docs] def _handle_qcow_template( self, disk_path, template_spec, template_store=None, template_repo=None ): base_path = template_spec.get('path', '') if not base_path: raise RuntimeError('Partial drive spec %s' % str(template_spec)) self.resolve_parent(base_path, template_store, template_repo) qemu_cmd = [ 'qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'qcow2', '-b', base_path, disk_path ] disk_metadata = template_spec.get('metadata', {}) return qemu_cmd, disk_metadata
[docs] def resolve_parent(self, disk_path, template_store, template_repo): """ Given a virtual disk, checks if it has a backing file, if so check if the backing file is in the store, if not download it from the provided template_repo. After verifying that the backing-file is in the store, create a symlink to that file and locate it near the layered image. Args: disk_path (str): path to the layered disk template_repo (TemplateRepository or None): template repo instance to use template_store (TemplateStore or None): template store instance to use """ qemu_info = utils.get_qemu_info(disk_path) parent = qemu_info.get('backing-filename') if not parent: return if os.path.isfile(parent): if os.path.samefile( os.path.realpath(parent), os.path.realpath(os.path.expandvars(disk_path)) ): raise LagoInitException( dedent( """ Disk {} and its backing file are the same file. """.format(disk_path) ) ) # The parent exist and we have the correct pointer return'Resolving Parent') try: name, version = os.path.basename(parent).split(':', 1) except ValueError: raise LagoInitException( dedent( """ Backing file resolution of disk {} failed. Backing file {} is not a Lago image. """.format(disk_path, parent) ) ) _, _, base = self._handle_lago_template( '', {'template_name': name, 'template_version': version}, template_store, template_repo ) # The child has the right pointer to his parent base = os.path.expandvars(base) if base == parent: return # The child doesn't have the right pointer to his # parent, We will fix it with a symlink link_name = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(disk_path), '{}:{}'.format(name, version) ) link_name = os.path.expandvars(link_name) self._create_link_to_parent(base, link_name)
[docs] def _handle_lago_template( self, disk_path, template_spec, template_store, template_repo ): disk_metadata = template_spec.get('metadata', {}) if template_store is None or template_repo is None: raise RuntimeError('No templates directory provided') template = template_repo.get_by_name(template_spec['template_name']) template_version = template.get_version( template_spec.get('template_version', None) ) if template_version not in template_store: log_utils.log_always("Template %s not in cache, downloading") %, ) disk_metadata.update( template_store.get_stored_metadata( template_version, ), ) base = template_store.get_path(template_version) qemu_cmd = [ 'qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'qcow2', '-o', 'lazy_refcounts=on', '-b', base, disk_path ] return qemu_cmd, disk_metadata, base
[docs] def _ova_to_spec(self, filename): """ Retrieve the given ova and makes a template of it. Creates a disk from network provided ova. Calculates the needed memory from the ovf. The disk will be cached in the template repo Args: filename(str): the url to retrive the data from TODO: * Add hash checking against the server for faster download and latest version * Add config script running on host - other place * Add cloud init support - by using cdroms in other place * Handle cpu in some way - some other place need to pick it up * Handle the memory units properly - we just assume MegaBytes Returns: list of dict: list with the disk specification int: VM memory, None if none defined int: Number of virtual cpus, None if none defined Raises: RuntimeError: If the ova format is not supported TypeError: If the memory units in the ova are noot supported (currently only 'MegaBytes') """ # extract if needed ova_extracted_dir = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] if not os.path.exists(ova_extracted_dir): os.makedirs(ova_extracted_dir) subprocess.check_output( ["tar", "-xvf", filename, "-C", ova_extracted_dir], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) # lets find the ovf file # we expect only one to be ovf = glob.glob(ova_extracted_dir + "/master/vms/*/*.ovf") if len(ovf) != 1: raise RuntimeError("We support only one vm in ova") image_file = None memory = None vcpus = None # we found our ovf # lets extract the resources with open(ovf[0]) as fd: # lets extract the items obj = xmltodict.parse( hardware_items = [ section for section in obj["ovf:Envelope"]["Content"]["Section"] if section["@xsi:type"] == "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type" ] if len(hardware_items) != 1: raise RuntimeError("We support only one machine desc in ova") hardware_items = hardware_items[0] for item in hardware_items["Item"]: # lets test resource types CPU_RESOURCE = 3 MEMORY_RESOURCE = 4 DISK_RESOURCE = 17 resource_type = int(item["rasd:ResourceType"]) if resource_type == CPU_RESOURCE: vcpus = int(item["rasd:cpu_per_socket"]) * \ int(item["rasd:num_of_sockets"]) elif resource_type == MEMORY_RESOURCE: memory = int(item["rasd:VirtualQuantity"]) if item["rasd:AllocationUnits"] != "MegaBytes": raise TypeError( "Fix me : we need to suport other units too" ) elif resource_type == DISK_RESOURCE: image_file = item["rasd:HostResource"] if image_file is not None: disk_meta = {"root-partition": "/dev/sda1"} disk_spec = [ { "type": "template", "template_type": "qcow2", "format": "qcow2", "dev": "vda", "name": os.path.basename(image_file), "path": ova_extracted_dir + "/images/" + image_file, "metadata": disk_meta } ] return disk_spec, memory, vcpus
[docs] def _use_prototype(self, spec, prototypes): """ Populates the given spec with the values of it's declared prototype Args: spec (dict): spec to update prototypes (dict): Configuration spec containing the prototypes Returns: dict: updated spec """ prototype = spec['based-on'] del spec['based-on'] for attr in prototype: if attr not in spec: spec[attr] = copy.deepcopy(prototype[attr]) return spec
[docs] def fetch_url(self, url): """ Retrieves the given url to the prefix Args: url(str): Url to retrieve Returns: str: path to the downloaded file """ url_path = urlparse.urlsplit(url).path dst_path = os.path.basename(url_path) dst_path = self.paths.prefixed(dst_path) with LogTask('Downloading %s' % url): urllib.urlretrieve(url=os.path.expandvars(url), filename=dst_path) return dst_path
[docs] def virt_conf_from_stream( self, conf_fd, template_repo=None, template_store=None, do_bootstrap=True, do_build=True, ): """ Initializes all the virt infrastructure of the prefix, creating the domains disks, doing any network leases and creating all the virt related files and dirs inside this prefix. Args: conf_fd (File): File like object to read the config from template_repo (TemplateRepository): template repository intance template_store (TemplateStore): template store instance Returns: None """ virt_conf = utils.load_virt_stream(conf_fd) LOGGER.debug('Loaded virt config:\n%s', virt_conf) return self.virt_conf( conf=virt_conf, template_repo=template_repo, template_store=template_store, do_bootstrap=do_bootstrap, do_build=do_build )
[docs] def _prepare_domains_images(self, conf, template_repo, template_store): if not os.path.exists(self.paths.images()): os.makedirs(self.paths.images()) for dom_name, dom_spec in conf['domains'].items(): if not dom_name: raise RuntimeError( 'An invalid (empty) domain name was found in the ' 'configuration file. Cannot continue. A name must be ' 'specified for the domain' ) dom_spec['name'] = dom_name conf['domains'][dom_name] = self._prepare_domain_image( domain_spec=dom_spec, prototypes=conf.get('prototypes', {}), template_repo=template_repo, template_store=template_store, ) return conf
[docs] def _prepare_domain_image( self, domain_spec, prototypes, template_repo, template_store ): if 'based-on' in domain_spec: domain_spec = self._use_prototype( spec=domain_spec, prototypes=prototypes, ) if domain_spec.get('type', '') == 'ova': domain_spec = self._handle_ova_image(domain_spec=domain_spec) with LogTask('Create disks for VM %s' % domain_spec['name']): domain_spec['disks'] = self._create_disks( domain_name=domain_spec['name'], disks_specs=domain_spec.get('disks', []), template_repo=template_repo, template_store=template_store, ) return domain_spec
[docs] def _handle_ova_image(self, domain_spec): # we import the ova to template domain_spec['type'] = 'template' ova_file = self.fetch_url(domain_spec['url']) ova_disk, domain_spec["memory"], domain_spec[ "vcpu" ] = self._ova_to_spec(ova_file) if "disks" not in domain_spec.keys(): domain_spec["disks"] = ova_disk else: domain_spec["disks"] = ova_disk + domain_spec["disks"] return domain_spec
[docs] def _create_disks( self, domain_name, disks_specs, template_repo, template_store ): new_disks = [] for disk in disks_specs: path, metadata = self._create_disk( name=domain_name, spec=disk, template_repo=template_repo, template_store=template_store, ) new_disk = copy.deepcopy(disk) new_disk['path'] = path new_disk['metadata'] = metadata new_disks.append(new_disk) return new_disks
[docs] def virt_conf( self, conf, template_repo=None, template_store=None, do_bootstrap=True, do_build=True ): """ Initializes all the virt infrastructure of the prefix, creating the domains disks, doing any network leases and creating all the virt related files and dirs inside this prefix. Args: conf (dict): Configuration spec template_repo (TemplateRepository): template repository intance template_store (TemplateStore): template store instance do_bootstrap(bool): If true run virt-sysprep on the images do_build(bool): If true run build commands on the images, see for more info. Returns: None """ os.environ['LAGO_PREFIX_PATH'] = self.paths.prefix_path() with utils.RollbackContext() as rollback: rollback.prependDefer( shutil.rmtree, self.paths.prefix_path(), ignore_errors=True ) self._metadata = { 'lago_version': pkg_resources.get_distribution("lago").version, } conf = self._prepare_domains_images( conf=conf, template_repo=template_repo, template_store=template_store, ) conf = self._config_net_topology(conf) conf['domains'] = self._copy_deploy_scripts_for_hosts( domains=conf['domains'] ) self._virt_env = self.VIRT_ENV_CLASS( prefix=self, vm_specs=conf['domains'], net_specs=conf['nets'], ) if do_bootstrap: self.virt_env.bootstrap() if do_build:['domains']) rollback.clear()
[docs] def build(self, conf): builders = [] for vm_name, spec in conf.viewitems(): disks = spec.get('disks') if disks: for disk in disks: build_spec = disk.get('build') if build_spec: builders.append( build.Build.get_instance_from_build_spec( name=vm_name, disk_path=disk['path'], build_spec=build_spec, paths=self.paths ) ) utils.invoke_in_parallel(, builders)
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose def export_vms( self, vms_names=None, standalone=False, export_dir='.', compress=False, init_file_name='LagoInitFile', out_format=YAMLOutFormatPlugin(), collect_only=False, with_threads=True, ): """ Export vm images disks and init file. The exported images and init file can be used to recreate the environment. Args: vms_names(list of str): Names of the vms to export, if None export all the vms in the env (default=None) standalone(bool): If false, export a layered image (default=False) export_dir(str): Dir to place the exported images and init file compress(bool): If True compress the images with xz (default=False) init_file_name(str): The name of the exported init file (default='LagoInitfile') out_format(:class:`lago.plugins.output.OutFormatPlugin`): The type of the exported init file (the default is yaml) collect_only(bool): If True, return only a mapping from vm name to the disks that will be exported. (default=False) with_threads(bool): If True, run the export in parallel (default=True) Returns Unless collect_only == True, a mapping between vms' disks. """ return self.virt_env.export_vms( vms_names, standalone, export_dir, compress, init_file_name, out_format, collect_only, with_threads )
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose def start(self, vm_names=None): """ Start this prefix Args: vm_names(list of str): List of the vms to start Returns: None """ self.virt_env.start(vm_names=vm_names)
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose def stop(self, vm_names=None): """ Stop this prefix Args: vm_names(list of str): List of the vms to stop Returns: None """ self.virt_env.stop(vm_names=vm_names)
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose def shutdown(self, vm_names=None, reboot=False): """ Shutdown this prefix Args: vm_names(list of str): List of the vms to shutdown reboot(bool): If true, reboot the requested vms Returns: None """ self.virt_env.shutdown(vm_names, reboot)
[docs] def create_snapshots(self, name): """ Creates one snapshot on all the domains with the given name Args: name (str): Name of the snapshots to create Returns: None """ self.virt_env.create_snapshots(name)
[docs] def revert_snapshots(self, name): """ Revert all the snapshots with the given name from all the domains Args: name (str): Name of the snapshots to revert Returns: None """ self.virt_env.revert_snapshots(name)
[docs] def get_snapshots(self): """ Retrieve info on all the snapshots from all the domains Returns: dict of str: list(str): dictionary with vm_name -> snapshot list """ return self.virt_env.get_snapshots()
[docs] def _create_virt_env(self): """ Create a new virt env from this prefix Returns: lago.virt.VirtEnv: virt env created from this prefix """ return self.VIRT_ENV_CLASS.from_prefix(self)
@property def virt_env(self): """ Getter for this instance's virt env, creates it if needed Returns: lago.virt.VirtEnv: virt env instance used by this prefix """ if self._virt_env is None: self._virt_env = self._create_virt_env() return self._virt_env @property def paths(self): return self._paths @paths.setter def paths(self, val): self._paths = val
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Destroy this prefix, running any cleanups and removing any files inside it. """ subnets = ( str( for net in self.virt_env.get_nets().itervalues() ) self._subnet_store.release(subnets) self.cleanup() shutil.rmtree(self.paths.prefix_path())
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose def get_vms(self): """ Retrieve info on all the vms Returns: dict of str->list(str): dictionary with vm_name -> vm list """ return self.virt_env.get_vms()
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose def get_nets(self): """ Retrieve info on all the nets from all the domains Returns: dict of str->list(str): dictionary with net_name -> net list """ return self.virt_env.get_nets()
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose def get_paths(self): """ Get the Paths object of this prefix. The Paths object contains the paths to the internal directories and files of this prefix. Returns: :class:`lago.paths.Paths`: The Paths object of this prefix """ return self.paths
[docs] @classmethod def resolve_prefix_path(cls, start_path=None): """ Look for an existing prefix in the given path, in a path/.lago dir, or in a .lago dir under any of it's parent directories Args: start_path (str): path to start the search from, if None passed, it will use the current dir Returns: str: path to the found prefix Raises: RuntimeError: if no prefix was found """ if not start_path or start_path == 'auto': start_path = os.path.curdir cur_path = start_path LOGGER.debug('Checking if %s is a prefix', os.path.abspath(cur_path)) if cls.is_prefix(cur_path): return os.path.abspath(cur_path) # now search for a .lago directory that's a prefix on any parent dir cur_path = join(start_path, '.lago') while not cls.is_prefix(cur_path): LOGGER.debug('%s is not a prefix', cur_path) cur_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(cur_path, '..', '..', '.lago') ) LOGGER.debug('Checking %s for a prefix', cur_path) if os.path.realpath(join(cur_path, '..')) == '/': raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to find prefix for %s' % os.path.abspath(start_path) ) return os.path.abspath(cur_path)
[docs] @classmethod def is_prefix(cls, path): """ Check if a path is a valid prefix Args: path(str): path to be checked Returns: bool: True if the given path is a prefix """ lagofile = paths.Paths(path).prefix_lagofile() return os.path.isfile(lagofile)
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose @log_task('Collect artifacts') def collect_artifacts(self, output_dir, ignore_nopath): if os.path.exists(output_dir): utils.rotate_dir(output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) def _collect_artifacts(vm): with LogTask('%s' % path = os.path.join(output_dir, os.makedirs(path) vm.collect_artifacts(path, ignore_nopath) utils.invoke_in_parallel( _collect_artifacts, self.virt_env.get_vms().values(), )
[docs] def _get_scripts(self, host_metadata): """ Temporary method to retrieve the host scripts TODO: remove once the "ovirt-scripts" option gets deprecated Args: host_metadata(dict): host metadata to retrieve the scripts for Returns: list: deploy scripts for the host, empty if none found """ deploy_scripts = host_metadata.get('deploy-scripts', []) if deploy_scripts: return deploy_scripts ovirt_scripts = host_metadata.get('ovirt-scripts', []) if ovirt_scripts: warnings.warn( 'Deprecated entry "ovirt-scripts" will not be supported in ' 'the future, replace with "deploy-scripts"' ) return ovirt_scripts
[docs] def _set_scripts(self, host_metadata, scripts): """ Temporary method to set the host scripts TODO: remove once the "ovirt-scripts" option gets deprecated Args: host_metadata(dict): host metadata to set scripts in Returns: dict: the updated metadata """ scripts_key = 'deploy-scripts' if 'ovirt-scritps' in host_metadata: scripts_key = 'ovirt-scripts' host_metadata[scripts_key] = scripts return host_metadata
[docs] def _copy_deploy_scripts_for_hosts(self, domains): """ Copy the deploy scripts for all the domains into the prefix scripts dir Args: domains(dict): spec with the domains info as when loaded from the initfile Returns: None """ with LogTask('Copying any deploy scripts'): for host_name, host_spec in domains.iteritems(): host_metadata = host_spec.get('metadata', {}) deploy_scripts = self._get_scripts(host_metadata) new_scripts = self._copy_delpoy_scripts(deploy_scripts) self._set_scripts( host_metadata=host_metadata, scripts=new_scripts, ) return domains
[docs] def _copy_delpoy_scripts(self, scripts): """ Copy the given deploy scripts to the scripts dir in the prefix Args: scripts(list of str): list of paths of the scripts to copy to the prefix Returns: list of str: list with the paths to the copied scripts, with a prefixed with $LAGO_PREFIX_PATH so the full path is not hardcoded """ if not os.path.exists(self.paths.scripts()): os.makedirs(self.paths.scripts()) new_scripts = [] for script in scripts: script = os.path.expandvars(script) if not os.path.exists(script): raise RuntimeError('Script %s does not exist' % script) sanitized_name = script.replace('/', '_') new_script_cur_path = os.path.expandvars( self.paths.scripts(sanitized_name) ) shutil.copy(script, new_script_cur_path) new_script_init_path = os.path.join( '$LAGO_PREFIX_PATH', os.path.basename(self.paths.scripts()), sanitized_name, ) new_scripts.append(new_script_init_path) return new_scripts
[docs] def _deploy_host(self, host): with LogTask('Deploy VM %s' % deploy_scripts = self._get_scripts(host.metadata) if not deploy_scripts: return with LogTask('Wait for ssh connectivity'): if not host.ssh_reachable(tries=1, propagate_fail=False): time.sleep(10) host.wait_for_ssh() for script in deploy_scripts: script = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(script)) with LogTask('Run script %s' % os.path.basename(script)): ret, out, err = host.ssh_script(script, show_output=False) if ret != 0: LOGGER.debug('STDOUT:\n%s' % out) LOGGER.error('STDERR\n%s' % err) raise RuntimeError( '%s failed with status %d on %s' % ( script, ret,, ), )
[docs] @sdk_utils.expose @log_task('Deploy environment') def deploy(self): utils.invoke_in_parallel( self._deploy_host, self.virt_env.get_vms().values() )