Source code for lago.providers.libvirt.cpu

# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license

import logging

from lxml import etree as ET

import lago.providers.libvirt.utils as utils
from lago.utils import LagoException, LagoInitException

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CPU(object): def __init__(self, spec, host_cpu): """ Generate CPU XML node. Args: spec(dict): VM Lago spec host_cpu(lxml.etree.Element): Host cpu capabilities """ self.vcpu_set = False # TO-DO: deduce recommended defaults for vcpu_num from host CPU caps self.vcpu_num = '2' if spec.get('vcpu'): self.vcpu_set = True self.vcpu_num = spec['vcpu'] self.cpu_custom = spec.get('cpu_custom') self.cpu_model = spec.get('cpu_model') self.host_cpu = host_cpu self.memory = spec.get('memory') self.validate() self._cpu_xml = self.generate_cpu_xml() self._vcpu_xml = self.generate_vcpu_xml(self.vcpu_num) def __iter__(self): for node in (self.cpu_xml, self.vcpu_xml): yield node
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validate CPU-related VM spec are compatible Raises: :exc:`~LagoInitException`: if both 'cpu_model' and 'cpu_custom' are defined. """ if self.cpu_custom is not None and self.cpu_model: raise LagoInitException( 'Defining both cpu_model and cpu_custom is ' 'not supported.' )
@property def cpu_xml(self): return self._cpu_xml @property def vcpu_xml(self): return self._vcpu_xml @property def model(self): if self.cpu_model: return self.cpu_model elif not self.cpu_custom: return self.host_cpu.xpath('model')[0].text else: return self._cpu_xml.xpath('model')[0].text @property def vendor(self): if self.cpu_model: return LibvirtCPU.get_cpu_vendor(self.cpu_model) elif not self.cpu_custom: return self.host_cpu.xpath('vendor')[0].text else: return LibvirtCPU.get_cpu_vendor(self.model)
[docs] def generate_cpu_xml(self): """ Get CPU XML Returns: lxml.etree.Element: cpu node """ if self.cpu_custom: return self.generate_custom( cpu=self.cpu, vcpu_num=self.vcpu_num, fill_topology=self.vcpu_set ) elif self.cpu_model: return self.generate_exact( self.cpu_model, vcpu_num=self.vcpu_num, host_cpu=self.host_cpu ) else: return self.generate_host_passthrough(self.vcpu_num)
[docs] def generate_vcpu_xml(self, vcpu_num): """ generate_vcpu_xml Args: vcpu_num(int): number of virtual cpus Returns: lxml.etree.Element: vcpu XML node """ return self.generate_vcpu(vcpu_num=self.vcpu_num)
[docs] def generate_host_passthrough(self, vcpu_num): """ Generate host-passthrough XML cpu node Args: vcpu_num(str): number of virtual CPUs Returns: lxml.etree.Element: CPU XML node """ cpu = ET.Element('cpu', mode='host-passthrough') cpu.append(self.generate_topology(vcpu_num)) if vcpu_num > 1: cpu.append(self.generate_numa(vcpu_num)) return cpu
[docs] def generate_custom(self, cpu, vcpu_num, fill_topology): """ Generate custom CPU model. This method attempts to convert the dict to XML, as defined by ``xmltodict.unparse`` method. Args: cpu(dict): CPU spec vcpu_num(int): number of virtual cpus fill_topology(bool): if topology is not defined in ``cpu`` and ``vcpu`` was not set, will add CPU topology to the generated CPU. Returns: lxml.etree.Element: CPU XML node Raises: :exc:`~LagoInitException`: when failed to convert dict to XML """ try: cpu = utils.dict_to_xml({'cpu': cpu}) except: # TO-DO: print an example here raise LagoInitException('conversion of \'cpu\' to XML failed') if not cpu.xpath('topology') and fill_topology: cpu.append(self.generate_topology(vcpu_num)) return cpu
[docs] def generate_exact(self, model, vcpu_num, host_cpu): """ Generate exact CPU model with nested virtualization CPU feature. Args: model(str): libvirt supported CPU model vcpu_num(int): number of virtual cpus host_cpu(lxml.etree.Element): the host CPU model Returns: lxml.etree.Element: CPU XML node """ nested = {'Intel': 'vmx', 'AMD': 'svm'} cpu = ET.Element('cpu', match='exact') ET.SubElement(cpu, 'model').text = model cpu.append(self.generate_topology(vcpu_num)) vendor = host_cpu.findtext('vendor') if not nested.get(vendor): LOGGER.debug( 'Unknown vendor: {0}, did not configure nested ' 'virtualization cpu flag on guest.'.format(vendor) ) return cpu model_vendor = LibvirtCPU.get_cpu_vendor(family=model) if vendor != model_vendor: LOGGER.debug( ( 'Not enabling nested virtualization feature, host ' 'vendor is: {0}, guest vendor: ' '{1}'.format(vendor, model_vendor) ) ) return cpu flag = nested[vendor] if host_cpu.find('feature/[@name="{0}"]'.format(flag)) is not None: cpu.append(self.generate_feature(name=flag)) else: LOGGER.debug( ( 'missing {0} cpu flag on host, nested ' 'virtualization will probably not ' 'work.' ).format(flag) ) return cpu
[docs] def generate_topology(self, vcpu_num, cores=1, threads=1): """ Generate CPU <topology> XML child Args: vcpu_num(str): number of virtual CPUs cores(int): number of cores threads(int): number of threads Returns: lxml.etree.Element: topology XML element """ return ET.Element( 'topology', sockets=str(vcpu_num), cores=str(cores), threads=str(threads), )
[docs] def generate_numa(self, vcpu_num): """ Generate guest CPU <numa> XML child Configures 1, 2 or 4 vCPUs per cell. Args: vcpu_num(str): number of virtual CPUs Returns: lxml.etree.Element: numa XML element """ if int(vcpu_num) == 2: # 2 vCPUs is a special case. # We wish to have 2 cells, # with 1 vCPU in each. # This is also the common case. total_cells = 2 cpus_per_cell = 1 elif int(vcpu_num) == 4: # 4 vCPU is a special case. # We wish to have 2 cells, # with 2 vCPUs in each. total_cells = 2 cpus_per_cell = 2 else: cell_info = divmod(int(vcpu_num), 4) if cell_info[1] == 0: # 4 vCPUs in each cell total_cells = cell_info[0] cpus_per_cell = 4 elif cell_info[1] == 2: # 2 vCPUs in each cell total_cells = (cell_info[0] * 2) + 1 cpus_per_cell = 2 else: # 1 vCPU per cell... total_cells = int(vcpu_num) cpus_per_cell = 1 numa = ET.Element('numa') memory_per_cell = divmod(int(self.memory), total_cells) LOGGER.debug( 'numa\n: cpus_per_cell: {0}, total_cells: {1}'.format( cpus_per_cell, total_cells ) ) for cell_id in xrange(0, total_cells): first_cpu_in_cell = cell_id * cpus_per_cell if cpus_per_cell == 1: cpus_in_cell = str(first_cpu_in_cell) else: cpus_in_cell = '{0}-{1}'.format( first_cpu_in_cell, first_cpu_in_cell + cpus_per_cell - 1 ) cell = ET.Element( 'cell', id=str(cell_id), cpus=cpus_in_cell, memory=str(memory_per_cell[0]), unit='MiB', ) numa.append(cell) LOGGER.debug('numa:\n{}'.format(ET.tostring(numa, pretty_print=True))) return numa
[docs] def generate_vcpu(self, vcpu_num): """ Generate <vcpu> domain XML child Args: vcpu_num(str): number of virtual cpus Returns: lxml.etree.Element: vcpu XML element """ vcpu = ET.Element('vcpu') vcpu.text = str(vcpu_num) return vcpu
[docs] def generate_feature(self, name, policy='require'): """ Generate CPU feature element Args: name(str): feature name policy(str): libvirt feature policy Returns: lxml.etree.Element: feature XML element """ return ET.Element('feature', policy=policy, name=name)
[docs]class LibvirtCPU(object): """Query data from /usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml"""
[docs] @classmethod def get_cpu_vendor(cls, family, arch='x86'): """ Get CPU vendor, if vendor is not available will return 'generic' Args: family(str): CPU family arch(str): CPU arch Returns: str: CPU vendor if found otherwise 'generic' """ props = cls.get_cpu_props(family, arch) vendor = 'generic' try: vendor = props.xpath('vendor/@name')[0] except IndexError: pass return vendor
[docs] @classmethod def get_cpu_props(cls, family, arch='x86'): """ Get CPU info XML Args: family(str): CPU family arch(str): CPU arch Returns: lxml.etree.Element: CPU xml Raises: :exc:`~LagoException`: If no such CPU family exists """ cpus = cls.get_cpus_by_arch(arch) try: return cpus.xpath('model[@name="{0}"]'.format(family))[0] except IndexError: raise LagoException('No such CPU family: {0}'.format(family))
[docs] @classmethod def get_cpus_by_arch(cls, arch): """ Get all CPUs info by arch Args: arch(str): CPU architecture Returns: lxml.etree.element: CPUs by arch XML Raises: :exc:`~LagoException`: If no such ARCH is found """ with open('/usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml', 'r') as cpu_map: cpu_xml = ET.parse(cpu_map) try: return cpu_xml.xpath('/cpus/arch[@name="{0}"]'.format(arch))[0] except IndexError: raise LagoException('No such arch: {0}'.format(arch))