Source code for lago.log_utils

# Copyright 2015-2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
This module defines the special logging tools that lago uses
from future.builtins import super
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import re
import traceback
import datetime
import threading
import uuid as uuid_m
from collections import (
from functools import wraps

#: Message to be shown when a task is started
#: Message template that will trigger a task
START_TASK_TRIGGER_MSG = 'start task%s'
#: Regexp that will match the above template
START_TASK_REG = re.compile('start task(?P<task_name>.*)')
#: Message to be shown when a task is ended
END_TASK_MSG = 'Success'
#: Message template that will trigger a task end
END_TASK_TRIGGER_MSG = 'end task%s'
#: Regexp that will match the above template
END_TASK_REG = re.compile('end task(?P<task_name>.*)')
#: Message template that will always shoud the messago
ALWAYS_SHOW_TRIGGER_MSG = 'force-show:%s'
#: Regexp that will match the above template
ALWAYS_SHOW_REG = re.compile('force-show:(?P<message>.*)')

[docs]class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Formatter to add colors to log records """ DEFAULT = '\x1b[0m' RED = '\x1b[31m' GREEN = '\x1b[32m' YELLOW = '\x1b[33m' CYAN = '\x1b[36m' WHITE = '\x1b[37m' NONE = '' CRITICAL = RED ERROR = RED WARNING = YELLOW INFO = CYAN DEBUG = NONE
[docs] @classmethod def colored(cls, color, message): """ Small function to wrap a string around a color Args: color (str): name of the color to wrap the string with, must be one of the class properties message (str): String to wrap with the color Returns: str: the colored string """ return getattr(cls, color.upper()) + message + cls.DEFAULT
[docs] def format(self, record): """ Adds colors to a log record and formats it with the default Args: record (logging.LogRecord): log record to format Returns: str: The colored and formatted record string """ level = record.levelno if level >= logging.CRITICAL: color = self.CRITICAL elif level >= logging.ERROR: color = self.ERROR elif level >= logging.WARNING: color = self.WARNING elif level >= logging.INFO: color = self.INFO elif level >= logging.DEBUG: color = self.DEBUG else: color = self.DEFAULT message = super().format(record) if record.args: try: message = message % record.args except TypeError: # this happens when the message itself has some %s symbols, as # in traces for tracedumps pass return color + message + self.DEFAULT
[docs]class Task(deque): """ Small wrapper around deque to add the failed status and name to a task Attributes: name (str): name for this task failed (bool): If this task has failed or not (if there was any error log shown during it's execution) force_show (bool): If set, will show any log records generated inside this task even if it's out of nested depth limit """ def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: name (str): name for this task *args: any :class:`deque` args *kwargs: any :class:`deque` kwargs """ self.failed = False self.force_show = False = name self.start_time = super(Task, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return ( '%s(failed=%s, force_show=%s, len=%d)' % (, self.failed, self.force_show, len(self)) )
[docs] def elapsed_time(self): return str( - self.start_time).rsplit('.', 1)[0]
[docs]class ContextLock(object): """ Context manager to thread lock a block of code """ def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() def __enter__(self): self.lock.acquire() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.lock.release()
[docs]class TaskHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """ This log handler will use the concept of tasks, to hide logs, and will show all the logs for the current task if there's a logged error while running that task. It will hide any logs that belong to nested tasks that have more than ``task_tree_depth`` parent levels, and for the ones that are above that level, it will show only the logs that have a loglevel above ``level``. You can force showing a log record immediately if you use the :func:`log_always` function bypassing all the filters. If there's a log record with log level higher than ``dump_level`` it will be considered a failure, and all the logs for the current task that have a log level above ``level`` will be shown no matter at which depth the task belongs to. Also, all the parent tasks will be tagged as error. Attributes: formatter (logging.LogFormatter): formatter to use initial_depth (int): Initial depth to account for, in case this handler was created in a subtask tasks_by_thread (dict of str: OrderedDict of str: Task): List of thread names, and their currently open tasks with their latest log records dump_level (int): log level from which to consider a log record as error buffer_size (int): Size of the log record deque for each task, the bigger, the more records it can show in case of error but the more memory it will use task_tree_depth (int): number of the nested level to show start/end task logs for, if -1 will show always level (int): Log level to show logs from if the depth limit is not reached main_failed (bool): used to flag from a child thread that the main should fail any current task _tasks_lock (ContextLock): Lock for the tasks_by_thread dict _main_thread_lock (ContextLock): Lock for the main_failed bool """ #: List of chars to show as task prefix, to ease distinguishing them TASK_INDICATORS = ['@', '#', '*', '-', '~'] def __init__( self, initial_depth=0, task_tree_depth=-1, buffer_size=2000, dump_level=logging.ERROR, level=logging.NOTSET, formatter=ColorFormatter, ): super().__init__() self.formatter = formatter self.initial_depth = initial_depth self.tasks_by_thread = {} self.dump_level = dump_level self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.task_tree_depth = task_tree_depth self.level = level self.main_failed = False self._tasks_lock = ContextLock() self._main_thread_lock = ContextLock() @property def cur_task(self): """ Returns: str: the current active task """ return self.tasks.keys()[-1] if self.tasks else None @property def cur_thread(self): """ Returns: str: Name of the current thread """ return threading.current_thread().name @property def tasks(self): """ Returns: OrderedDict of str, Task: list of task names and log records for each for the current thread """ return self.get_tasks(thread_name=self.cur_thread)
[docs] def get_tasks(self, thread_name): """ Args: thread_name (str): name of the thread to get the tasks for Returns: OrderedDict of str, Task: list of task names and log records for each for the given thread """ if thread_name not in self.tasks_by_thread: with self._tasks_lock: self.tasks_by_thread[thread_name] = OrderedDict() return self.tasks_by_thread[thread_name]
@property def cur_depth_level(self): """ Returns: int: depth level for the current task """ cur_level = self.initial_depth if not self.am_i_main_thread: cur_level += len(self.get_tasks(thread_name='MainThread')) return cur_level + len(self.tasks) @property def am_i_main_thread(self): """ Returns: bool: if the current thread is the main thread """ return threading.current_thread().name == 'MainThread'
[docs] def mark_main_tasks_as_failed(self): """ Flags to the main thread that all it's tasks sholud fail Returns: None """ if self.am_i_main_thread: return with self._main_thread_lock: self.main_failed = True
[docs] def should_show_by_depth(self, cur_level=None): """ Args: cur_level (int): depth level to take into account Returns: bool: True if the given depth level should show messages (not taking into account the log level) """ if cur_level is None: cur_level = self.cur_depth_level return (self.task_tree_depth < 0 or self.task_tree_depth >= cur_level)
[docs] def should_show_by_level(self, record, base_level=None): """ Args: record_level (int): log level of the record to check base_level (int or None): log level to check against, will use the object's :class:`dump_level` if None is passed Returns: bool: True if the given log record should be shown according to the log level """ if base_level is None: base_level = self.dump_level return record.levelno >= base_level
[docs] def handle_new_task(self, task_name, record): """ Do everything needed when a task is starting Params: task_name (str): name of the task that is starting record (logging.LogRecord): log record with all the info Returns: None """ record.msg = ColorFormatter.colored('default', START_TASK_MSG) record.task = task_name self.tasks[task_name] = Task(name=task_name, maxlen=self.buffer_size) if self.should_show_by_depth(): self.pretty_emit(record, is_header=True)
[docs] def mark_parent_tasks_as_failed(self, task_name, flush_logs=False): """ Marks all the parent tasks as failed Args: task_name (str): Name of the child task flush_logs (bool): If ``True`` will discard all the logs form parent tasks Returns: None """ for existing_task_name in self.tasks: if existing_task_name == task_name: break if flush_logs: self.tasks[existing_task_name].clear() self.tasks[existing_task_name].failed = True self.mark_main_tasks_as_failed()
[docs] def close_children_tasks(self, parent_task_name): """ Closes all the children tasks that were open Args: parent_task_name (str): Name of the parent task Returns: None """ if parent_task_name not in self.tasks: return while self.tasks: next_task = reversed(self.tasks.keys()).next() if next_task == parent_task_name: break del self.tasks[next_task]
[docs] def handle_closed_task(self, task_name, record): """ Do everything needed when a task is closed Params: task_name (str): name of the task that is finishing record (logging.LogRecord): log record with all the info Returns: None """ if task_name not in self.tasks: return if self.main_failed: self.mark_parent_tasks_as_failed(self.cur_task) if self.tasks[task_name].failed: record.msg = ColorFormatter.colored('red', END_TASK_ON_ERROR_MSG) else: record.msg = ColorFormatter.colored('green', END_TASK_MSG) record.msg += ' (in %s)' % self.tasks[task_name].elapsed_time() if self.should_show_by_depth() or self.tasks[task_name].force_show: if self.tasks[task_name].force_show: self.handle_error() self.pretty_emit(record, is_header=True) self.close_children_tasks(task_name) self.tasks.pop(task_name)
[docs] def handle_error(self): """ Handles an error log record that should be shown Returns: None """ if not self.tasks: return # All the parents inherit the failure self.mark_parent_tasks_as_failed( self.cur_task, flush_logs=True, ) # Show the start headers for all the parent tasks if they were not # shown by the depth level limit for index, task in enumerate(self.tasks.values()): if self.should_show_by_depth(index + 1): continue start_task_header = logging.LogRecord( '', logging.INFO, '', 0, '', [], None ) start_task_header.msg = ColorFormatter.colored( 'default', START_TASK_MSG, ) start_task_header.task = self.pretty_emit( start_task_header, is_header=True, task_level=index + 1, ) # Show now all the cached logs for the current task for old_record in self.tasks[self.cur_task]: self.pretty_emit(old_record) self.tasks[self.cur_task].clear()
[docs] def get_task_indicator(self, task_level=None): """ Args: task_level (int or None): task depth level to get the indicator for, if None, will use the current tasks depth Returns: str: char to prepend to the task logs to indicate it's level """ if task_level is None: task_level = len(self.tasks) return self.TASK_INDICATORS[task_level % len(self.TASK_INDICATORS)]
[docs] def pretty_emit(self, record, is_header=False, task_level=None): """ Wrapper around the :class:`logging.StreamHandler` emit method to add some decoration stuff to the message Args: record (logging.LogRecord): log record to emit is_header (bool): if this record is a header, usually, a start or end task message task_level (int): If passed, will take that as the current nested task level instead of calculating it from the current tasks Returns: None """ task = record.task or self.cur_task if task_level is None: task_level = self.cur_depth_level if is_header: extra_prefix = ( self.get_task_indicator(task_level - 1) + ' ' + ('' if self.am_i_main_thread else '[%s] ' % self.cur_thread) + task + ': ' ) record.levelno = logging.INFO else: extra_prefix = ' ' + self.get_task_indicator(task_level) + ' ' if task: record.msg = ( ' ' * (task_level - 1) + extra_prefix + str(record.msg) ) super().emit(record) super().flush()
[docs] def emit(self, record): """ Handle the given record, this is the entry point from the python logging facility Params: record (logging.LogRecord): log record to handle Returns: None """ record.task = self.cur_task if record.levelno >= self.dump_level and self.cur_task: self.tasks[self.cur_task].failed = True self.tasks[self.cur_task].force_show = True # Makes no sense to start a task with an error log is_start = START_TASK_REG.match(str(record.msg)) if is_start: self.handle_new_task(is_start.groupdict()['task_name'], record) return is_end = END_TASK_REG.match(str(record.msg)) if is_end: self.handle_closed_task(is_end.groupdict()['task_name'], record) return force_show_record = ALWAYS_SHOW_REG.match(str(record.msg)) if force_show_record: record.msg = force_show_record.groupdict()['message'] self.pretty_emit(record) if ( not force_show_record and self.should_show_by_level(record) and self.should_show_by_depth() ): self.pretty_emit(record) return if self.cur_task: self.tasks[self.cur_task].append(record)
[docs]class LogTask(object): """ Context manager for a log task Example: >>> with LogTask('mytask'): ... pass """ def __init__( self, task, logger=logging, level='info', propagate_fail=True, uuid=None, ): self.task = task self.logger = logger self.level = level self.propagate = propagate_fail if uuid is None: self.uuid = uuid_m.uuid4() self.header = self.task if self.level != 'info': self.header = ':{0}:{1}:'.format(str(self.uuid), self.task) def __enter__(self): getattr(self.logger, self.level)(START_TASK_TRIGGER_MSG % self.header) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if exc_type and self.propagate: end_log_task(self.header, level='error') str_tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(exc_tb)) self.logger.debug(str_tb) return False else: getattr(self.logger, self.level)(END_TASK_TRIGGER_MSG % self.header)
[docs]def log_task( task, logger=logging, level='info', propagate_fail=True, uuid=None ): """ Parameterized decorator to wrap a function in a log task Example: >>> @log_task('mytask') ... def do_something(): ... pass """ def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with LogTask( task, logger=logger, level=level, propagate_fail=propagate_fail, uuid=uuid ): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def start_log_task(task, logger=logging, level='info'): """ Starts a log task Args: task (str): name of the log task to start logger (logging.Logger): logger to use level (str): log level to use Returns: None """ getattr(logger, level)(START_TASK_TRIGGER_MSG % task)
[docs]def end_log_task(task, logger=logging, level='info'): """ Ends a log task Args: task (str): name of the log task to end logger (logging.Logger): logger to use level (str): log level to use Returns: None """ getattr(logger, level)(END_TASK_TRIGGER_MSG % task)
[docs]def log_always(message): """ Wraps the given message with a tag that will make it be always logged by the task logger Args: message (str): message to wrap with the tag Returns: str: tagged message that will get it shown immediately by the task logger """ return ALWAYS_SHOW_TRIGGER_MSG % message
[docs]def hide_paramiko_logs(): paramiko_logger = logging.getLogger('paramiko.transport') paramiko_logger.propagate = False paramiko_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
[docs]def hide_stevedore_logs(): """ Hides the logs of stevedore, this function was added in order to support older versions of stevedore We are using the NullHandler in order to get rid from 'No handlers could be found for logger...' msg Returns: None """ stevedore_logger = logging.getLogger('stevedore.extension') stevedore_logger.propagate = False stevedore_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) stevedore_logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]def setup_prefix_logging(logdir): """ Sets up a file logger that will create a log in the given logdir (usually a lago prefix) Args: logdir (str): path to create the log into, will be created if it does not exist Returns: None """ if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.mkdir(logdir) file_handler = logging.FileHandler( filename=os.path.join(logdir, 'lago.log'), ) file_formatter = get_default_log_formatter() file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) logging.root.addHandler(file_handler) hide_paramiko_logs() hide_stevedore_logs()
[docs]def get_default_log_formatter(): return logging.Formatter( fmt=( '%(asctime)s::%(filename)s::%(funcName)s::%(lineno)s::' '%(name)s::%(levelname)s::%(message)s' ), )