Source code for lago.providers.libvirt.vm

# Copyright 2016-2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license

from __future__ import absolute_import

from future.builtins import super
import functools
import logging
import os
import pwd
import time
import sys

import libvirt
from lxml import etree as ET
from textwrap import dedent

from lago import export, log_utils, sysprep, utils
from lago.utils import LagoException
from lago.config import config
from lago.plugins import vm as vm_plugin
from lago.plugins.vm import ExtractPathError
from lago.providers.libvirt import utils as libvirt_utils
from lago.providers.libvirt import cpu
from lago.validation import check_import

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if check_import('guestfs'):
    from lago import guestfs_tools
    LOGGER.debug('guestfs not available')

LogTask = functools.partial(log_utils.LogTask, logger=LOGGER)
log_task = functools.partial(log_utils.log_task, logger=LOGGER)

[docs]class LocalLibvirtVMProvider(vm_plugin.VMProviderPlugin): def __init__(self, vm): super().__init__(vm) self._has_guestfs = 'lago.guestfs_tools' in sys.modules self.libvirt_con = libvirt_utils.get_libvirt_connection( name=self.vm.virt_env.uuid, ) self._caps = None self._cpu = None self._libvirt_ver = None def __del__(self): if self.libvirt_con is not None: self.libvirt_con.close() @property def cpu(self): if self._cpu is None: host_cpu = self.caps.xpath('host/cpu')[0] self._cpu = cpu.CPU(spec=self.vm._spec, host_cpu=host_cpu) return self._cpu @property def caps(self): if self._caps is None: caps_raw_xml = self.libvirt_con.getCapabilities() self._caps = ET.fromstring(caps_raw_xml) return self._caps @property def libvirt_ver(self): if self._libvirt_ver is None: self._libvirt_ver = self.libvirt_con.getLibVersion() return self._libvirt_ver
[docs] def start(self): super().start() if not self.alive(): # the wait_suspend method is a work around for: # # 'LAGO__START_WAIT__SUSPEND' should be set to a float or integer # indicating how much time to sleep between the time the domain # is created in paused mode, until it is resumed. wait_suspend = os.environ.get('LAGO__START__WAIT_SUSPEND') dom_xml = self._libvirt_xml() LOGGER.debug('libvirt XML: %s\n', dom_xml) with LogTask('Starting VM %s' % if wait_suspend is None: self._createXML(dom_xml) else: LOGGER.debug('starting domain in paused mode') try: wait_suspend = float(wait_suspend) except: raise ValueError( 'LAGO__START__WAIT_SUSPEND value is not a number' ) dom = self._createXML( dom_xml, flags=libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED ) time.sleep(wait_suspend) dom.resume() if not dom.isActive(): raise RuntimeError( 'failed to resume %s domain' % )
[docs] def _createXML(self, dom_xml, flags=0): try: dom = self.libvirt_con.createXML(dom_xml, flags) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: # 38 for general system call failure # 18 for failure in libvirt's storage driver if e.get_error_code() == 38 and \ e.get_error_domain() == 18 and \ 'Cannot access storage file' in e.get_error_message(): raise LagoLocalLibvirtVMProviderException( dedent( """ Lago couldn't create VM: '{vm_name}' because of missing permissions. This error usually occurs when 'qemu' user doesn't have permissions to access the storage files of the vm located at {images_path} A solution for the problem will be to set the 'execute/search' bit for any directory in the following hierarchy {images_path}. This can be achieved with: chmod o+x /path/to/directory For more information please refer to Lago's installation docs. Original error message from libvirt: {libvirt_msg} """ ).format(, images_path=self.vm.virt_env.prefix.paths.images(), libvirt_msg=e.get_error_message() ) ) else: raise if not dom: raise RuntimeError('Failed to create Domain: {}'.format(dom_xml)) return dom
[docs] def stop(self): super().stop() if self.alive(): self.vm._ssh_client = None with LogTask('Destroying VM %s' % self.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name(), ).destroy()
[docs] def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): super().shutdown(*args, **kwargs) self._shutdown( libvirt_cmd=libvirt.virDomain.shutdown, ssh_cmd=['poweroff'], msg='Shutdown' ) try: with utils.ExceptionTimer(timeout=60 * 5): while self.alive(): time.sleep(1) except utils.TimerException: raise utils.LagoUserException( 'Failed to shutdown vm: {}'.format( )
[docs] def reboot(self, *args, **kwargs): super().reboot(*args, **kwargs) self._shutdown( libvirt_cmd=libvirt.virDomain.reboot, ssh_cmd=['reboot'], msg='Reboot' )
[docs] def _shutdown(self, libvirt_cmd, ssh_cmd, msg): """ Choose the invoking method (using libvirt or ssh) to shutdown / poweroff the domain. If acpi is defined in the domain use libvirt, otherwise use ssh. Args: libvirt_cmd (function): Libvirt function the invoke ssh_cmd (list of str): Shell command to invoke on the domain msg (str): Name of the command that should be inserted to the log message. Returns None Raises: RuntimeError: If acpi is not configured an ssh isn't available """ if not self.alive(): return with LogTask('{} VM {}'.format(msg, dom = self.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name()) dom_xml = dom.XMLDesc() idx = dom_xml.find('<acpi/>') if idx == -1: LOGGER.debug( 'acpi is not enabled on the host, ' '{} using ssh'.format(msg) ) # TODO: change the ssh timeout exception from runtime exception # TODO: to custom exception and catch it. self.vm.ssh(ssh_cmd) else: LOGGER.debug('{} using libvirt'.format(msg)) libvirt_cmd(dom)
[docs] def alive(self): try: return bool(self._get_domain().isActive()) except vm_plugin.LagoVMDoesNotExistError: return False
[docs] def running(self): try: return self.raw_state()[0] in libvirt_utils.DOMAIN_RUNNING_STATES except ( vm_plugin.LagoVMDoesNotExistError, vm_plugin.LagoFailedToGetVMStateError ): return False
[docs] def bootstrap(self): with LogTask('Bootstrapping %s' % if self.vm._spec['disks'][0]['type'] != 'empty' and self.vm._spec[ 'disks' ][0]['format'] != 'iso': root_disk = self.vm._spec['disks'][0]['path'] mappings = { 'eth{0}'.format(idx): utils.ipv4_to_mac(nic['ip']) for idx, nic in enumerate(self.vm.spec['nics']) } public_ssh_key = self.vm.virt_env.prefix.paths.ssh_id_rsa_pub() sysprep.sysprep( disk=root_disk, mappings=mappings, distro=self.vm.distro(), root_password=self.vm.root_password(), public_key=public_ssh_key, iscsi_name=self.vm.iscsi_name(),, )
[docs] def _get_domain(self): """ Return the object representation of this provider VM. Returns: libvirt.virDomain: Libvirt domain object Raises: :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.LagoFailedToGetVMStateError: If the VM exist, but the query returned an error. """ try: return self.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name()) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise vm_plugin.LagoVMDoesNotExistError(str(e))
[docs] def raw_state(self): """ Return the state of the domain in Libvirt's terms Retruns: tuple of ints: The state and its reason Raises: :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.LagoVMDoesNotExistError`: If the VM of this provider doesn't exist. :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.LagoFailedToGetVMStateError: If the VM exist, but the query returned an error. """ try: return self._get_domain().state() except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise vm_plugin.LagoFailedToGetVMStateError(str(e))
[docs] def state(self): """ Return a small description of the current status of the domain Returns: str: small description of the domain status, 'down' if it's not found at all. """ try: return libvirt_utils.Domain.resolve_state(self.raw_state()) except vm_plugin.LagoVMDoesNotExistError: return 'down' except vm_plugin.LagoFailedToGetVMStateError: return 'failed to get state' except KeyError: return 'unknown state'
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, name): if self.alive(): self._create_live_snapshot(name) else: self._create_dead_snapshot(name)
[docs] def revert_snapshot(self, name): try: snap_info = self.vm._spec['snapshots'][name] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( 'No snapshot %s for %s' % (name, ) with LogTask('Reverting %s to snapshot %s' % (, name)): was_alive = self.alive() if was_alive: self.stop() for disk, disk_template in zip(self.vm._spec['disks'], snap_info): os.unlink(os.path.expandvars(disk['path'])) ret, _, _ = utils.run_command( [ 'qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'qcow2', '-b', disk_template['path'], disk['path'], ], cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.expandvars(disk['path'])), ) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to revert disk') self._reclaim_disks() if was_alive: self.start()
[docs] def extract_paths(self, paths, ignore_nopath): """ Extract the given paths from the domain Attempt to extract all files defined in ``paths`` with the method defined in :func:`~lago.plugins.vm.VMProviderPlugin.extract_paths`, if it fails, and `guestfs` is available it will try extracting the files with guestfs. Args: paths(list of tuples): files to extract in `[(src1, dst1), (src2, dst2)...]` format. ignore_nopath(boolean): if True will ignore none existing paths. Returns: None Raises: :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathNoPathError`: if a none existing path was found on the VM, and `ignore_nopath` is False. :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathError`: on all other failures. """ try: super().extract_paths( paths=paths, ignore_nopath=ignore_nopath, ) except ExtractPathError as err: LOGGER.debug( '%s: failed extracting files: %s',, getattr(err, 'message', str(err)) ) if self._has_guestfs: self.extract_paths_dead(paths, ignore_nopath) else: raise
[docs] def extract_paths_dead(self, paths, ignore_nopath): """ Extract the given paths from the domain using guestfs. Using guestfs can have side-effects and should be used as a second option, mainly when SSH is not available. Args: paths(list of str): paths to extract ignore_nopath(boolean): if True will ignore none existing paths. Returns: None Raises: :exc:`~lago.utils.LagoException`: if :mod:`guestfs` is not importable. :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathNoPathError`: if a none existing path was found on the VM, and `ignore_nopath` is True. :exc:`~lago.plugins.vm.ExtractPathError`: on failure extracting the files. """ if not self._has_guestfs: raise LagoException( ('guestfs module not available, cannot ' )('extract files with libguestfs') ) LOGGER.debug( '%s: attempting to extract files with libguestfs', ) guestfs_tools.extract_paths( disk_path=self.vm.spec['disks'][0]['path'], disk_root=self.vm.spec['disks'][0]['metadata'].get( 'root-partition', 'root' ), paths=paths, ignore_nopath=ignore_nopath )
[docs] def export_disks( self, standalone, dst_dir, compress, collect_only=False, with_threads=True, *args, **kwargs ): """ Export all the disks of self. Args: standalone (bool): if true, merge the base images and the layered image into a new file (Supported only in qcow2 format) dst_dir (str): dir to place the exported disks compress(bool): if true, compress each disk. collect_only(bool): If true, return only a dict which maps between the name of the vm to the paths of the disks that will be exported (don't export anything). with_threads(bool): If True, export disks in parallel Returns: (dict): which maps between the name of the vm to the paths of the disks that will be exported """ vm_export_mgr = export.VMExportManager( disks=self.vm.disks, dst=dst_dir, compress=compress, with_threads=with_threads, standalone=standalone, *args, **kwargs ) if collect_only: return { vm_export_mgr.collect_paths()} else: return { vm_export_mgr.export()}
[docs] def interactive_console(self): """ Opens an interactive console Returns: lago.utils.CommandStatus: result of the virsh command execution """ if not self.running(): raise RuntimeError('VM %s is not running' % virsh_command = [ "virsh", "-c", config.get('libvirt_url'), "console", self._libvirt_name(), ] return utils.run_interactive_command(command=virsh_command, )
@property def cpu_model(self): """ VM CPU model Returns: str: CPU model """ return self.cpu.model @property def cpu_vendor(self): """ VM CPU Vendor Returns: str: CPU vendor """ return self.cpu.vendor
[docs] def _libvirt_name(self): return self.vm.virt_env.prefixed_name(
[docs] def _get_qemu_kvm_path(self): qemu_kvm_path = self.caps.findtext( "guest[os_type='hvm']/arch[@name='x86_64']/domain[@type='kvm']" "/emulator" ) if not qemu_kvm_path: LOGGER.warning("hardware acceleration not available") qemu_kvm_path = self.caps.findtext( "guest[os_type='hvm']/arch[@name='x86_64']" "/domain[@type='qemu']/../emulator" ) if not qemu_kvm_path: LOGGER.warning("emulator not found %r", ET.tostring(self.caps)) raise utils.LagoException('kvm executable not found') return qemu_kvm_path
[docs] def _load_xml(self): args = { 'distro': self.vm.distro(), 'libvirt_ver': self.libvirt_ver, 'name': self._libvirt_name(), 'mem_size': self.vm.spec.get('memory', 16 * 1024), 'qemu_kvm': self._get_qemu_kvm_path() } dom_raw_xml = libvirt_utils.get_domain_template(**args) parser = ET.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) return ET.fromstring(dom_raw_xml, parser)
[docs] def _libvirt_xml(self): dom_xml = self._load_xml() cpu = self.cpu for child in cpu: dom_xml.append(child) devices = dom_xml.xpath('/domain/devices')[0] disk = devices.xpath('disk')[0] devices.remove(disk) scsi_con_exists = False for disk_order, dev_spec in enumerate(self.vm._spec['disks']): # we have to make some adjustments # we use iso to indicate cdrom # but libvirt wants it named raw # and we need to use cdrom device disk_device = 'disk' bus = 'virtio' if dev_spec['format'] == 'iso': disk_device = 'cdrom' dev_spec['format'] = 'raw' bus = 'ide' # names converted # support virtio-scsi - sdX devices if dev_spec['dev'].startswith('sd'): bus = 'scsi' if not scsi_con_exists: controller = ET.Element( 'controller', type='scsi', index='0', model='virtio-scsi', ) driver = ET.Element( 'driver', queues='{}'.format(self.vm._spec.get('vcpu', 2)), iothread='1' ) controller.append(driver) devices.append(controller) scsi_con_exists = True disk = ET.Element( 'disk', type='file', device=disk_device, ) if bus == 'virtio': disk.append( ET.Element( 'driver', name='qemu', type=dev_spec['format'], discard='unmap', cache='writeback', iothread='1', queues='1', ), ) elif bus == 'scsi': disk.append( ET.Element( 'driver', name='qemu', type=dev_spec['format'], discard='unmap', cache='writeback', ), ) else: disk.append( ET.Element( 'driver', name='qemu', type=dev_spec['format'], ), ) serial = ET.SubElement(disk, 'serial') serial.text = "{}".format(disk_order + 1) disk.append(serial) disk.append( ET.Element( 'source', file=os.path.expandvars(dev_spec['path']), ), ) disk.append( ET.Element( 'target', dev=dev_spec['dev'], bus=bus, ), ) devices.append(disk) for dev_spec in self.vm._spec['nics']: interface = ET.Element( 'interface', type='network', ) interface.append( ET.Element( 'source', network=self.vm.virt_env.prefixed_name( dev_spec['net'], max_length=15 ), ), ) interface.append( ET.Element( 'model', type='virtio', ), ) interface.append( ET.Element( 'driver', name='vhost', queues='2', ), ) if self.libvirt_ver > 3001001: mtu = dev_spec.get('mtu', '1500') if mtu != '1500': interface.append(ET.Element( 'mtu', size=str(mtu), )) if 'ip' in dev_spec: interface.append( ET.Element( 'mac', address=utils.ipv4_to_mac(dev_spec['ip']) ), ) devices.append(interface) return ET.tostring(dom_xml, pretty_print=True)
[docs] def _create_dead_snapshot(self, name): raise RuntimeError('Dead snapshots are not implemented yet')
[docs] def _create_live_snapshot(self, name): with LogTask( 'Creating live snapshot named %s for %s' % (name,, level='debug', ): self.vm.wait_for_ssh() self.vm.guest_agent().start() self.vm.ssh('sync'.split(' ')) dom = self.libvirt_con.lookupByName(self._libvirt_name()) dom_xml = ET.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc()) disks = dom_xml.xpath('devices/disk') snapshot_xml = ET.fromstring( libvirt_utils.get_template('snapshot_template.xml') ) snapshot_disks = snapshot_xml.xpath('disks')[0] for disk in disks: target_dev = disk.xpath('target')[0].attrib['dev'] snapshot_disks.append(ET.Element('disk', name=target_dev)) try: dom.snapshotCreateXML( ET.tostring(snapshot_xml), libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_DISK_ONLY | libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_QUIESCE, ) except libvirt.libvirtError: LOGGER.exception( 'Failed to create snapshot %s for %s', name,, ) raise snap_info = [] new_disks = ET.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc()).xpath('devices/disk') for disk, xml_node in zip(self.vm._spec['disks'], new_disks): disk['path'] = xml_node.xpath('source')[0].attrib['file'] disk['format'] = 'qcow2' snap_disk = disk.copy() snap_disk['path'] = xml_node.xpath( 'backingStore', )[0].xpath( 'source', )[0].attrib['file'] snap_info.append(snap_disk) self._reclaim_disks() self.vm._spec['snapshots'][name] = snap_info
[docs] def _reclaim_disk(self, path): qemu_uid = None try: qemu_uid = pwd.getpwnam('qemu').pw_uid except KeyError: pass if qemu_uid is not None and os.stat(path).st_uid == qemu_uid: utils.run_command(['sudo', '-u', 'qemu', 'chmod', 'a+rw', path]) else: os.chmod(path, 0o0666)
[docs] def _reclaim_disks(self): for disk in self.vm._spec['disks']: self._reclaim_disk(disk['path'])
[docs]class LagoLocalLibvirtVMProviderException(utils.LagoException): pass