Source code for lago.templates

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
This module contains any disk template related classes and functions, including
the repository store manager classes and template providers, some useful

    * Template repositories:
        Repository where to fetch templates from, as an http server

    * Template store:
        Local store to cache templates

    * Template:
        Unititialized disk image to use as base for other disk images

    * Template version:
        Specific version of a template, to allow getting updates without
        having to change the template name everywhere

import errno
import json
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import shutil
import sys

from six.moves.urllib import request as urllib

import lago.utils as utils
from . import log_utils
from .config import config

from future.builtins import super

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FileSystemTemplateProvider: """ Handles file type templates, that is, getting a disk template from the host's filesystem """ def __init__(self, root): """ Args: root (str): Path to the template, any vars and user globs wil be expanded """ self._root = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(root))
[docs] def _prefixed(self, *path): """ Join all the given paths prefixed with this provider's base root path Args: *path (str): sections of the path to join, passed as positional arguments Returns: str: Joined paths prepended with the provider root path """ return os.path.join(self._root, *path)
[docs] def download_image(self, handle, dest): """ Copies over the handl to the destination Args: handle (str): path to copy over dest (str): path to copy to Returns: None """ shutil.copyfile(self._prefixed(handle), dest)
[docs] def get_hash(self, handle): """ Returns the associated hash for the given handle, the hash file must exist (``handle + '.hash'``). Args: handle (str): Path to the template to get the hash from Returns: str: Hash for the given handle """ handle = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(handle)) with open(self._prefixed('%s.hash' % handle)) as f: return
[docs] def get_metadata(self, handle): """ Returns the associated metadata info for the given handle, the metadata file must exist (``handle + '.metadata'``). Args: handle (str): Path to the template to get the metadata from Returns: dict: Metadata for the given handle """ handle = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(handle)) with open(self._prefixed('%s.metadata' % handle)) as f: return json.load(f)
[docs]class HttpTemplateProvider: """ This provider allows the usage of http urls for templates """ def __init__(self, baseurl): """ Args: baseurl (str): Url to prepend to every handle """ self.baseurl = baseurl
[docs] def open_url(self, url, suffix='', dest=None): """ Opens the given url, trying the compressed version first. The compressed version url is generated adding the ``.xz`` extension to the ``url`` and adding the given suffix **after** that ``.xz`` extension. If dest passed, it will download the data to that path if able Args: url (str): relative url from the ``self.baseurl`` to retrieve suffix (str): optional suffix to append to the url after adding the compressed extension to the path dest (str or None): Path to save the data to Returns: urllib.addinfourl: response object to read from (lazy read), closed if no dest passed Raises: RuntimeError: if the url gave http error when retrieving it """ if not url.endswith('.xz'): try: return self.open_url( url=url + '.xz', suffix=suffix, dest=dest, ) except RuntimeError: pass full_url = posixpath.join(self.baseurl, url) + suffix response = urllib.urlopen(full_url) if response.code >= 300: raise RuntimeError( 'Failed no retrieve URL %s:\nCode: %d' % (full_url, response.code) ) meta = file_size_kb = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0]) // 1024 if file_size_kb > 0: sys.stdout.write( "Downloading %s Kilobytes from %s \n" % (file_size_kb, full_url) ) def report(count, block_size, total_size): percent = (count * block_size * 100 / float(total_size)) sys.stdout.write( "\r% 3.1f%%" % percent + " complete (%d " % (count * block_size // 1024) + "Kilobytes)" ) sys.stdout.flush() if dest: response.close() urllib.urlretrieve(full_url, dest, report) sys.stdout.write("\n") return response
[docs] def download_image(self, handle, dest): """ Downloads the image from the http server Args: handle (str): url from the `self.baseurl` to the remote template dest (str): Path to store the downloaded url to, must be a file path Returns: None """ with log_utils.LogTask('Download image %s' % handle, logger=LOGGER): self.open_url(url=handle, dest=dest) self.extract_image_xz(dest)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_image_xz(path): if not path.endswith('.xz'): os.rename(path, path + '.xz') path = path + '.xz' with log_utils.LogTask('Decompress local image', logger=LOGGER): ret = utils.run_command( ['xz', '--threads=0', '--decompress', path], ) if ret: raise RuntimeError('Failed to decompress %s' % path)
[docs] def get_hash(self, handle): """ Get the associated hash for the given handle, the hash file must exist (``handle + '.hash'``). Args: handle (str): Path to the template to get the hash from Returns: str: Hash for the given handle """ response = self.open_url(url=handle, suffix='.hash') try: return finally: response.close()
[docs] def get_metadata(self, handle): """ Returns the associated metadata info for the given handle, the metadata file must exist (``handle + '.metadata'``). If the given handle has an ``.xz`` extension, it will get removed when calculating the handle metadata path Args: handle (str): Path to the template to get the metadata from Returns: dict: Metadata for the given handle """ response = self.open_url(url=handle, suffix='.metadata') try: return json.load(response) finally: response.close()
#: Registry for template providers _PROVIDERS = { 'file': FileSystemTemplateProvider, 'http': HttpTemplateProvider, }
[docs]def find_repo_by_name(name, repo_dir=None): """ Searches the given repo name inside the repo_dir (will use the config value 'template_repos' if no repo dir passed), will rise an exception if not found Args: name (str): Name of the repo to search repo_dir (str): Directory where to search the repo Return: str: path to the repo Raises: RuntimeError: if not found """ if repo_dir is None: repo_dir = config.get('template_repos') ret, out, _ = utils.run_command([ 'find', repo_dir, '-name', '*.json', ], ) repos = [ TemplateRepository.from_url(line.strip()) for line in out.split('\n') if len(line.strip()) ] for repo in repos: if == name: return repo raise RuntimeError('Could not find repo %s' % name)
[docs]class TemplateRepository: """ A template repository is a single source for templates, that uses different providers to actually retrieve them. That means for example that the 'ovirt' template repository, could support the 'http' and a theoretical 'gluster' template providers. Attributes: _dom (dict): Specification of the template _providers (dict): Providers instances for any source in the spec """ def __init__(self, dom, path): """ You would usually use the :func:`TemplateRepository.from_url` method instead of directly using this Args: dom (dict): Specification of the template repository (not confuse with xml dom) """ self._dom = dom self._providers = { name: self._get_provider(spec) for name, spec in self._dom.get('sources', {}).items() } self._path = path
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, path): """ Instantiate a :class:`TemplateRepository` instance from the data in a file or url Args: path (str): Path or url to the json file to load Returns: TemplateRepository: A new instance """ if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path) as fd: data = else: try: response = urllib.urlopen(path) if response.code >= 300: raise RuntimeError('Unable to load repo from %s' % path) data = response.close() except IOError: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to load repo from %s (IO error)' % path ) return cls(json.loads(data), path)
[docs] def _get_provider(self, spec): """ Get the provider for the given template spec Args: spec (dict): Template spec Returns: HttpTemplateProvider or FileSystemTemplateProvider: A provider instance for that spec """ provider_class = _PROVIDERS[spec['type']] return provider_class(**spec['args'])
@property def name(self): """ Getter for the template repo name Returns: str: the name of this template repo """ return self._dom['name'] @property def path(self): """ Getter for the template repo path Returns: str: the path/url of this template repo """ return self._path
[docs] def get_by_name(self, name): """ Retrieve a template by it's name Args: name (str): Name of the template to retrieve Raises: LagoMissingTemplateError: if no template is found """ try: spec = self._dom.get('templates', {})[name] except KeyError: raise LagoMissingTemplateError(name, self._path) return Template( name=name, versions={ ver_name: TemplateVersion( name='%s:%s:%s' % (, name, ver_name), source=self._providers[ver_spec['source']], handle=ver_spec['handle'], timestamp=ver_spec['timestamp'], ) for ver_name, ver_spec in spec['versions'].items() }, )
[docs]class Template: """ Disk image template class Attributes: name (str): Name of this template _versions (dict(str:TemplateVersion)): versions for this template """ def __init__(self, name, versions): """ Args: name (str): Name of the template versions (dict(str:TemplateVersion)): dictionary with the version_name: :class:`TemplateVersion` pairs for this template """ = name self._versions = versions
[docs] def get_version(self, ver_name=None): """ Get the given version for this template, or the latest Args: ver_name (str or None): Version to retieve, None for the latest Returns: TemplateVersion: The version matching the given name or the latest one """ if ver_name is None: return self.get_latest_version() return self._versions[ver_name]
[docs] def get_latest_version(self): """ Retrieves the latest version for this template, the latest being the one with the newest timestamp Returns: TemplateVersion """ return max(self._versions.values(), key=lambda x: x.timestamp())
[docs]class TemplateVersion: """ Each template can have multiple versions, each of those is actually a different disk template file representation, under the same base name. """ def __init__(self, name, source, handle, timestamp): """ Args: name (str): Base name of the template source (HttpTemplateProvider or FileSystemTemplateProvider): template provider for this version handle (str): handle of the template version, this is the information that will be used passed to the repo provider to retrieve the template (depends on the provider) timestamp (int): timestamp as seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC """ = name self._source = source self._handle = handle self._timestamp = timestamp self._hash = None self._metadata = None
[docs] def timestamp(self): """ Getter for the timestamp """ return self._timestamp
[docs] def get_hash(self): """ Returns the associated hash for this template version Returns: str: Hash for this version """ if self._hash is None: self._hash = self._source.get_hash(self._handle).strip() return self._hash
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Returns the associated metadata info for this template version Returns: dict: Metadata for this version """ if self._metadata is None: self._metadata = self._source.get_metadata(self._handle) return self._metadata
[docs] def download(self, destination): """ Retrieves this template to the destination file Args: destination (str): file path to write this template to Returns: None """ self._source.download_image(self._handle, destination)
[docs]class TemplateStore: """ Local cache to store templates The store uses various files to keep track of the templates cached, access and versions. An example template store looks like:: $ tree /var/lib/lago/store/ /var/lib/lago/store/ ├── in_office_repo:centos6_engine:v2.tmp ├── in_office_repo:centos7_engine:v5.tmp ├── in_office_repo:fedora22_host:v2.tmp ├── phx_repo:centos6_engine:v2 ├── phx_repo:centos6_engine:v2.hash ├── phx_repo:centos6_engine:v2.metadata ├── phx_repo:centos6_engine:v2.users ├── phx_repo:centos7_engine:v4.tmp ├── phx_repo:centos7_host:v4.tmp └── phx_repo:storage-nfs:v1.tmp There you can see the files: * \*.tmp Temporary file created while downloading the template from the repository (depends on the provider) * ${repo_name}:${template_name}:${template_version} This file is the actual disk image template * \*.hash Cached hash for the template disk image * \*.metadata Metadata for this template image in json format, usually this includes the `distro` and `root-password` """ def __init__(self, path): """ :param str path: Path to a local dir for this store, will be created if it does not exist :raises OSError: if there's a failure creating the dir """ self._root = path try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: LOGGER.error('Failed to create store dir') raise
[docs] def _prefixed(self, *path): """ Join the given paths and prepend this stores path Args: *path (str): list of paths to join, as positional arguments Returns: str: all the paths joined and prepended with the store path """ return os.path.join(self._root, *path)
[docs] def __contains__(self, temp_ver): """ Checks if a given version is in this store Args: temp_ver (TemplateVersion): Version to look for Returns: bool: ``True`` if the version is in this store """ return os.path.exists(self._prefixed(
[docs] def get_path(self, temp_ver): """ Get the path of the given version in this store Args: temp_ver TemplateVersion: version to look for Returns: str: The path to the template version inside the store Raises: RuntimeError: if the template is not in the store """ if temp_ver not in self: raise RuntimeError( 'Template: {} not present'.format( ) return self._prefixed(
[docs] def download(self, temp_ver, store_metadata=True): """ Retrieve the given template version Args: temp_ver (TemplateVersion): template version to retrieve store_metadata (bool): If set to ``False``, will not refresh the local metadata with the retrieved one Returns: None """ dest = self._prefixed( temp_dest = '%s.tmp' % dest with utils.LockFile(dest + '.lock'): # Image was downloaded while we were waiting if os.path.exists(dest): return if store_metadata: with open('%s.metadata' % dest, 'w') as f: utils.json_dump(temp_ver.get_metadata(), f) sha1 = utils.get_hash(temp_dest) if temp_ver.get_hash() != sha1: raise RuntimeError( 'Image %s does not match the expected hash %s' % (, sha1, ) ) with open('%s.hash' % dest, 'w') as f: f.write(sha1) with log_utils.LogTask('Convert image', logger=LOGGER): result = utils.run_command( [ 'qemu-img', 'convert', '-O', 'raw', temp_dest, dest, ], ) os.unlink(temp_dest) if result: raise RuntimeError(result.err)
[docs] def get_stored_metadata(self, temp_ver): """ Retrieves the metadata for the given template version from the store Args: temp_ver (TemplateVersion): template version to retrieve the metadata for Returns: dict: the metadata of the given template version """ with open(self._prefixed('%s.metadata' % as f: return json.load(f)
[docs] def get_stored_hash(self, temp_ver): """ Retrieves the hash for the given template version from the store Args: temp_ver (TemplateVersion): template version to retrieve the hash for Returns: str: hash of the given template version """ with open(self._prefixed('%s.hash' % as f: return
[docs]class LagoMissingTemplateError(utils.LagoException): def __init__(self, name, path): super().__init__( 'Image {} doesn\'t exist in repo {}'.format(name, path) )